Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Long Lost Friends Armed With Amway Invitations

Be aware of long lost friends who might suddenly contact you out of the blue who want to tell you about this new business they’re involved in or asking you if you’re free or if you hate your job or if you want to start up your own business. Its probably some Amway distributor or its probably a similar MLM business deal. Here’s a reader’s story who tells us that thare are a lot of subltle changes in Amway. The same old 8pm Amway gathering hour meeting time. Get there early to find good seats. Gentle jibes flung at J.O.B.s. A story from the business leader chatting to the followers about how poor they used to be and now thanks to someone who showed them the Amway plan they’re rolling in riches.

And of course the right attitude from anyone who attends an Amway meeting – getting a lot out of it thinking this is amazing!

So here’s what you say to those Amway IBO's with their genuine once in a lifetime opportunity – TELL ME MORE! I REALLY NEED THIS!

Hi Anna, first, I have to say I love your page and “thank you-straight from my heart for your blog!” Second, I went to a night-meeting this past Tuesday with a LONG-LOST-COLLEGE friend I forgot I EVEN knew! We bumped into each other at the gas station…talked some business and before you knew it, I WAS BOOKED in a network business systems, marketing meeting taking place at a Holiday Inn in town.

Currently I’m working on my MBA, certified in bookkeeping with a 9-5 with an “okay” benefits package. So we get to this meeting, it starts at 8 sharp, but we want to be there a few minutes earlier, he said it gets packed and we want to find seats! I ate before we got there, but still asked about snacks, he said there would be (WATER FOR EVERYONE!). We sit, I was introduced, first to a GOOD colleague of his, and later to the business EXPERT at the front of the room chatting away about why a JOB is being a DEAD-BEAT! I heard some “ I used to eat from the dumpster” stories and “we shared a bed-all four of us, at the homeless shelter” testimonials. Then someone showed them the PLAN, and BOOM, they’re RICH!!! All this time I’m waiting for some relevant Independent Business Owner strategies, customer-base, product-marketing, business-promotion techniques…licensing, location…ANYTHING! At around 10pm, the EXPERT guy goes around the meeting room finalizing the recruitment process on some of the other prospects… “Say you’re joining the business to bring change to your family, to bring your family together, to one day provide them with a brilliant future…say it to them with me now (his holding some young couple’s hands and their friends saying this really loudly).

He does this all around the room, holding hands with couples, instructing them on what to say, telling them there is no other way to bring their families hope, support, and unlimited money.

He told me it will never be too late to join, just to make sure I think about it quick, so I can join right in time with the rest of them and be able to retire, making about $20, 000 a week managing my own company and not having to pay for my groceries or having endless discounts on everything I buy or lease (apparently this includes vehicle-leases or financing…WOW!!). My COLLEGE friend said we could get together the following day to help me DIGEST all this NEW information and ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME opportunity…I just had to name the place, the time, and he would bring some of his business partners and if need be someone with a Master’s in Business Administration, they have people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE!!!!!!

I'm glad I answered my cell-phone and looked at my email, and when I see him I’ll just say this is for me…FOREVER! That AMAZING meeting gave me the boost I needed…the way they look at you to encourage you and the way their voices sound so positive makes me really glad I found this…AND I’M A WINNER!!!!!

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