Saturday, September 28, 2013

Everybody Needs An Amway IBO Neighbor

Here's a nice laugh for the day! Everybody should dream to have an Amway IBO neighbor

Getting Recruited Into Amway Part 2

This is a continued story and I want to say here that a lot of people figure out really quickly that getting into Amway is a great decision to make and they try to make the best out of it and look forward to making their money back. And then they say hallelujah and run with it.

So after another hazing meeting with the IBO leaders my fiancé and I agree to join up. we fill out all the paper work pay our 'sign on' fee and get everything underway, we get signed up with WWDB and this conference line called Communikate which is the probably the most frustrating thing to use and at 40 a month holy crap that's half my phone bill that I ACTUALLY USE. I don't really think we need but but hey!

So here we are we this business, we are kinda excited cause we get a retail site and etc and we are making the best of it together.

So my upline IBO friend is all excited that we are about to place our first order and we can start making money and be debt free in 12-18 months! I must have missed the part that you had spend 300 dollars just to hit your mark and have other people spend 150~ dollars just to help you hit your mark. After doing the math I would make a whopping 4 dollars extra bonus at first, but wait! I would also get a $50 for a newcomers sign on bonus if I hit my mark!

This is partially my fault for not doing enough research or asking enough questions so I am now in the making the best of it mode.

90% of the products on the site I don't even buy anyways, but I was going to spend money to buy this stuff anyways? I do like their shakes and energy drinks, but I don't buy them on a monthly basis, I don't buy cleaning products on a monthly basis, maybe one every other other month, so now we are finding customers to buy enough to hit our mark and we are up 300 or so dollars for that? $54 bucks that shows up on the 15th.

I was so excited and one foot out the door to celebtrate WITHIN 24 hours of being in amway/WWDB. I texted my upline even though he prefers Kate, but seriously? That system takes like 5 mins to send a 5 second message, talk about adding 9 steps to something.

He calmed us down by saying it just the initial 'shock' that everyone goes through etc etc. I was like whatever man and just went with it. I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I figured we were testing all the products and we should see what we should try to give out as samples so the initial cost was whatever.

Then came these optional meetings twice a week for 3 hours starting at 8pm. I didn't think it was that bad but sometimes it was the same people and same presentation.

My fiancé and I were getting extremely demotivated for some reason. As I mentioned before I already figured out the business idea 24 hours in and felt a little bored but tried to turn into a positive.

We went to attend the free enterprise meeting and we walked up to the door and saw the tons of IBO's lining up and about to go in to listen to speaker speak his words of wisdom on how to get rich. We were I think 2nd in line and we were like this is cool and got the best seats and left right after and spent 20 bucks later on a good dinner lol.

I got calls and texts from my uplines asking where we were. I told them we were with a couple of young downlines who didn't want to do this anymore (I did not want to offend so I Didn't say go away I'll deal with this etc etc) and that they were just going to buy and sell LIKE A NORMAL RETAIL SITE DOES. I got a text from my friend IBO and then he tried to call me I was like dude they say this is not what it was presented, even after listening to your CDs it all makes sense. There is a reason they say why you hide the fact its Amway cause of all the bad press it has. You are forcing yourself to believe in something that's not true. Then he tries and say don't listen to no one else just do your research on THE WWDB AND AMWAY sites, o ok cause that's going to be reiable opinions, and only talk to people 'in the business' about stuff o yeah cause IBO's are totally gonna tell the truth of ok bro amway is cool I'll do that lol.

He speaks of power of association, and tries to tell me not to listen to people who don't make a lot of money cause you will be BROKE like them. Hey guess what I make more money than you and 90% of the people that are at your meetings why would I listen to you about making money?

But he is right! Although some of those people he is 'tied' into make their money not from selling amway products but from the monthly fees you pay and for buying tickets to their training seminars.Not everyone does that and the ones who stick to the plan usually succeed.

He got his upline to call me and wanted to have 'a man to man' talk about my concerns and I told him, this upline had a response to everything and he was saying o first you must care about your fiancé if you are just gonna trade time for money like everyone else with a job. I was like are you serious? What I do love is having a business that pays me and not a job that I have to pay it so that I can pay for all this nice stuff and house so that my fiancé and I can come home to dipshit.

O here is my other thoughts about Kate, this thing is sucha POS and 99% of the shit messages I get on there marked 'urgent' is from the platinu or diamond saying how he went to the doctors and his vitamin B levels are low or that he just got out of the shower and wanted us to know he's FIRED UP about how well we are doing. I am learning so much from that input but I really do not like the Kate system.

Seriously? I am paying 40 bucks for a fucking facebook hotline I have to call/login into every few hours? No fucking thanks. I cancelled that shit so fast along with the 'learning' material.

I still do have the site as being a member I get 40 bucks off my phone bill along with other perks that makes up for the 50 bucks I pay a month on it. And I do enjoy some of the products, I do my research and compare prices, I have my opinion of quality. Why the hell would I buy regular laundry detergent for the same price as SA8 clean? Oxy clean works like ok costs the same price and comes with less the amount.

Anways my IBO friend still invites me to the Family reunion that happened last week in Portland. I go but I spend my $555 bucks elsewhere cos I live 10 minutes away why the fuck would I pay for a hotel?

Anways I hope someone enjoys reading this and as I do enjoy reading the blogs and watching the dateline exposing crappy mlm's that are funny straight up cults.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Getting Recruited Into Amway Part 1

One of this blog’s readers was nice enough to share his story about the process of getting recruited into the Amway business. Things are constantly changing within the Amway business. Some IBO shows up again into the prospect’s life, talks about the exciting once in a lifetime business opportunity and now’s the time to get in on the ground floor. Well that's not the new Amway. You’re a few decades too late! Those lines are old. Amway's a new deal out in full force. Its all here. This is everyone’s story. Due to the length this is a 2 part story.

Mid June of this year I get a message from an IBO on a social networking site out of the blue, I mean I've known the guy for 8 years we went to school together had the same car hobbies, but we haven't spoken in a year since we ran into each other at a store a while back.

He messages me asks me how I am doing etc, tells me to text him and we start talking again. He asks if we can meet up to catch up at a local restaurant. So I am like sure why not we get to catch up and I am hungry anyways.

We meet up and we do a little catching up, he asks what I do for a living, etc, and then he mentions how he's working on a 'eCommerce' with a bunch of business partners. So I got a little curious and asked whats it called and what do you 'do'? He didn't tell me the name, but he said that he 'redirects' customers to fortune 500 companies like best buy and sears etc.

He mentions power of association, and that hes connected to the 'right' people. All of which sounded like he read from a script he just put his own flare into it.

I was very neutral about, so I was like 'that's cool that you are doing something' and we just ended with 'we should all go hang again with our girls like a double date or something.'

I don't remember how many days later (wasn't long but lets say 2) he texts me again asks if my fiancé and I are free 8pm on a certain day. I say sure because I am assuming it is this double date he was talking about. Turns out it wasn't obviously. But hey! We show up at his house and there are people are dressed up in suits and might I add these kids are young I am talking like 19 or so and haven't even scratched the surface on 'making a living' or the 'real world' outside the tv show.

So we just sat down and this older dude shows up who is his business partner, he comes in intros himself and starts this presentation stopping every now and then to ask wouldn't it be cool to do such and such and buy such and such with all this money and time? Of course hard to disagree, yeah I would pay off my house if made x amount more. He goes off on how little risk/money it is to get started and if you are a slow starter its fine we have mentors and sponsors to help you get your business going.

Now I am a very analytical person I do financial statements and reports all day long as my career.

I live off the mantra of if its too good to be true it probably is and if it were so easy everyone would be doing it.

But for some reason that night I was like hell why not just look into it? If it costs 100 bucks a month why the hell not I can afford that, that's nothing. My fiancé was fine with it cause she just wanted to support me.

So I show that we are interested and etc, and we get invited to another meeting to meet this 'millionaire' retired at 40 sack of shit platinum as you may call them lol.

I go to this meeting at another IBO's house and holy crap they fit as many people as they could into this mid sized living room, we even got people sitting on the counters in the kitchen and such. Might I add again some of these kids are 18-23 and some older in their 30s and maybe even 40s. But majority of youngsters

This platinum level guy talks on and on how hes connected to the right people, used Costco referral as an example of Amways greatness, and if you get 6 legs and those 6 legs get 6 more legs you can make 5k a month 60k a year with 5-15 hours of time a week. You can retire in 12-18 months and be debt free! The whole crowd is going wild nodding and agreeing clapping and hooting for this dude and I am just sitting there thinking Holy Cow? He goes on and on about how Amway has a bad name cause of X reason and that you shouoldnt listen to X reason and experience it yourself and be the judge for yourself. Now, I have heard of Amway before but I didn't know anything about it so I didn't think anything of it.

He talks on about how you should 'redirect' your spending and others spending habits to go through your personal website. You will pay the same or less is what he says and you generate a commission for 'redirecting' business.

He talks about how you need to do 100pv and get others to do 50pv, but he doesn't yet mention how much it takes to hit those marks. He said we were going to use X amount of money at so and so shopping center anyways so why not just buy from yourself and make/save some money??? Cool idea I'm thinking!

So after the meeting my IBO friend has me meet this platinum at a 1 on 1 and he's like you are a sharp guy you would do great in this 'business' and I was like sure I can look into it more I mean $100 bucks a month is squat and 10 hours a week is whatever anyways.

I go home and do some minor research on Amway and I got a lot of goods AND bads. This was before I found this blog lol. So that did something to help me along fortunately.

(to be continued….)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Long Lost Friends Armed With Amway Invitations

Be aware of long lost friends who might suddenly contact you out of the blue who want to tell you about this new business they’re involved in or asking you if you’re free or if you hate your job or if you want to start up your own business. Its probably some Amway distributor or its probably a similar MLM business deal. Here’s a reader’s story who tells us that thare are a lot of subltle changes in Amway. The same old 8pm Amway gathering hour meeting time. Get there early to find good seats. Gentle jibes flung at J.O.B.s. A story from the business leader chatting to the followers about how poor they used to be and now thanks to someone who showed them the Amway plan they’re rolling in riches.

And of course the right attitude from anyone who attends an Amway meeting – getting a lot out of it thinking this is amazing!

So here’s what you say to those Amway IBO's with their genuine once in a lifetime opportunity – TELL ME MORE! I REALLY NEED THIS!

Hi Anna, first, I have to say I love your page and “thank you-straight from my heart for your blog!” Second, I went to a night-meeting this past Tuesday with a LONG-LOST-COLLEGE friend I forgot I EVEN knew! We bumped into each other at the gas station…talked some business and before you knew it, I WAS BOOKED in a network business systems, marketing meeting taking place at a Holiday Inn in town.

Currently I’m working on my MBA, certified in bookkeeping with a 9-5 with an “okay” benefits package. So we get to this meeting, it starts at 8 sharp, but we want to be there a few minutes earlier, he said it gets packed and we want to find seats! I ate before we got there, but still asked about snacks, he said there would be (WATER FOR EVERYONE!). We sit, I was introduced, first to a GOOD colleague of his, and later to the business EXPERT at the front of the room chatting away about why a JOB is being a DEAD-BEAT! I heard some “ I used to eat from the dumpster” stories and “we shared a bed-all four of us, at the homeless shelter” testimonials. Then someone showed them the PLAN, and BOOM, they’re RICH!!! All this time I’m waiting for some relevant Independent Business Owner strategies, customer-base, product-marketing, business-promotion techniques…licensing, location…ANYTHING! At around 10pm, the EXPERT guy goes around the meeting room finalizing the recruitment process on some of the other prospects… “Say you’re joining the business to bring change to your family, to bring your family together, to one day provide them with a brilliant future…say it to them with me now (his holding some young couple’s hands and their friends saying this really loudly).

He does this all around the room, holding hands with couples, instructing them on what to say, telling them there is no other way to bring their families hope, support, and unlimited money.

He told me it will never be too late to join, just to make sure I think about it quick, so I can join right in time with the rest of them and be able to retire, making about $20, 000 a week managing my own company and not having to pay for my groceries or having endless discounts on everything I buy or lease (apparently this includes vehicle-leases or financing…WOW!!). My COLLEGE friend said we could get together the following day to help me DIGEST all this NEW information and ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME opportunity…I just had to name the place, the time, and he would bring some of his business partners and if need be someone with a Master’s in Business Administration, they have people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE!!!!!!

I'm glad I answered my cell-phone and looked at my email, and when I see him I’ll just say this is for me…FOREVER! That AMAZING meeting gave me the boost I needed…the way they look at you to encourage you and the way their voices sound so positive makes me really glad I found this…AND I’M A WINNER!!!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Old Amway Are You Free Mantra

Here’s a reader who has an IBO relative. When a person is in the Amway business they’re encouraged to be respectful, mindful, humble peol who care a lot about others. Its all about theie downlines and their ambition to be surrounded with the things in life that really matter. This IBO uses the “are you free” question that Amway encourages their distributors to ask others. The thing with when I put this phrase on my blog such as get your wife free I end up getting potential husbands searching the Internet for free wives. Bizarre. So by putting out the are you free Amway IBO chant I might get a bunch of searchers looking for free girlfriends or something. Oh well. Yup whenever someone you haven’t heard from in years (friend or relative) calls and asks stuff like are you free instead of how are you, how’s the family, what have you been doing lately then they’re probably involved in an MLM business. They need to make up a list of everyone they know and then how to contact these people, start contacting them and inviting them into their Amway business. This reader’s relative is a perfect IBO candidate for Amway and the IBO's are probably most likely love bombing her. She’s a student and will likely graduate because of the Amway teachings that education is an absolute benefit. Really. Whatever you spend on education sould be put to use along with tithing the great Amway code. A financially free IBO will stay in the business forever. Money = everyone outside of Amway wants to be friends with you.

Dear Anna, I LOVE THIS BLOG. Recently a family member who I haven't spoken to in years (despite living in the same city), reached out to me and ask me if I'm free several times after I kept saying that I'm not. No "hello, how are you doing?!" or any form of respect. I'm sure glad she was tenacious. I kept asking her why she wants to meet and she doesn't give me an answer. I found out from other family members that she's a part of Amway and I'm 99% sure that she's trying to recruit me and my husband to build her downline. She never really had friends growing up and apparently, I'm the "big fish" she's trying to catch in hopes that I'll get all of my friends in. I'm glad I found this site so I could inderstand where she was coming from. Everything described her regarding these IBO's describes her personality, exactly from the "keep negative people out of your life and if your friends don't want to be a part of Amway get new friends" mantra to the true Artistry claims. She does not know that I know all about Amway and it's great history so for the sake of improving our relationship even more than it already is, I decided to sign up! I'm happy she's going to excel in life, because she seems to have increased her interest in her education thinking she will be way better and as a by-product also get rich from this. She's been in almost a year now and has made a ton of money. How much longer do you think she'll go on? Forever I think! She is now doing what she she really wants with her life but it bothers me that not enough of our family is in it yet, which is what tears me apart! Thanks and again-- great blog!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Freedom! Don't Flush Your Nutrilite Vitamins!

You know how its like when you go to an Amway training conference and the business leader up on the stage leads the IBO's into a chant “Freedom! Flush that stinking job!” Ya don't ? Well it happened to me one time I think!

So this is my version of the IBO chant. Freedom! Buy those super Nutrilite vitamins!

One morning I heard my husband throwing things into the toilet. Lots of little splashes. Nothing good can ever come of that so I went over to investigate. He was cleaning out his medicine cabinet because we're going to paint the bathroom and need the fixtures off the walls.

The medicines and first aid supplies are kept in another cabinet so I'm wondering just how much aspirin does he have stockpiled in there and if it has all expired. Closer inspection shows he is accidently turfing out Nutrilite vitamins. I'm sure they have expired a long time ago. Its not like we consume a lot of vitamins but he bought them because we needed them for customers (and to get the PV up there). That's part of being in Amway. Buying ebough products that you always need and will always use. One of those bottles was concentrated fruits and vegetables. I mean what was he thinking he was doing thowing that out for? I stock up weekly on Nutrilite concentrated fruits and veggies. Half the time he's with me when I'm shopping and can choose what he wants. I also buy berries and freeze them and we buy frozen fruits and vegetables as needed when not available at the produce store.

The reason we bought those concentrated fruits and vegetables is because of what we heard from the stage. Our Diamond upline telling the IBO's they do need fresh fruit and vegetables and when they can't get then then they will get what they need from buying a bottle of the Nutrilite food supplements. Some of those distributors have degrees as nutritionists too.

But the Nutrilite vitamins didn't all flush. Some of them were sitting there on the bottom of the tank despite several flushes to get them down. That would be him doing the flushing. Then he left the area. But an hour later he came back and said "hey what's that in the toilet?" Honestly I think dementia is setting in.

I mean really! What do you think it is? Who was flushing Nutrilite vitamins I remind him. And then I point out they've been in there for quite some time and they're not flushing. Does that give you any clue what happened next?

So he grabs the plunger and is determined to get those hold out vitamins down the drain.

Brings back visions of using the plunger to deal with the massive dog poos when we used to buy Walmart dog food!

He has decent success with the plunger. Only one Nutrilite vitamin is left in the toilet bowl.

I tell him to leave it in there because I'm curious how long it will take to flush. I came back a couple of hours later to check on it and now it is starting to move a little. I would have left it longer but now I had a bag of dog poop to flush. Don't want to leave that ripening in the house! This time when I flushed the toilet the Nutrilite vitamin disappeared. Perhaps the dog poop dragged it through the hole. Sad end though.

I'm sure glad we're on city sewer and don't have a septic tank! Who knows maybe that Nutrilite will help clean up the septic system!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Amway Win Win Factor

Who saw 48 Hours not too long ago where a man who was a convention planner got murdered in his hotel room? What makes it newworthy is this was the son of the couple who owned the Fountainbleu Hotel in Miami back in its heyday.

Any murder is creepy but the extra creepy factor to this murder is that the convention he was planning was an Amway convention and the murder took place in the hotel room of the New York hotel that Amway was holding the convention.

His wife said when she left the room he was still alive. She had been called downstairs because there was some problem with breakfast.

Now I get to thinking an Amway function that includes breakfast??? Never happened with us that breakfast was included in a Amway conference. The nature of the problem she got called away for was not mentioned on the show. Perhaps the breakfast staff were impressed by the caring attitude those Amway IBO's had towards them and had called the event planner to thank them about how they were being treated. More than likely it was Amway IBO’s who’d called the planner to compliment them about the food. Caviar for breakfast. That’s the thing with Amway IBO's and their their reasoning that they’re not automatiaclly entitled to anything they want just cause they’re in Amway.

The wife is shown on security camera at the dining area hallway. She goes back to the room and the husband is dead and there’s blood everywhere. Her roomcard records the time she returned to the room and the phone call about the breakfast problem is a loose time of approximately when she left the room and she swears she closed the door when she left.

So the cops have a tough issue on their hands. The Amway conference is over that day and 1000 Amway IBO’s are leaving. That’s 1000 witnesses or murder suspects they’ve got to interview and fast.

The even bigger dilemma the cops are facing is that people in Amway are really the good guys so they have to figure out this mess when they’re interviewing 1000 Amway innocent bystanders.

It turns out the wife had her brother in Pennsylvania hire two hit men from Florida do the murder and she was probably in the room watching it happen. It all goes back to greed. She wanted all the money. Not really a good Amway candidate don’t you think!

A financial transaction was traced from her brother to one of the Florida suspects in the amount of $500. I don’t know if $500 was the entire fee or only partial that the cops were able to trace. It also seems a long haul to hire 2 men to travel from Florida to New York to commit the murder especially since the event planners lived in Florida and eventually going home so if you’re going to hire Florida hitmen it makes more sense to commit the murder in that state too.

But the only thing that does make sense is that there were a bunch of caring Amway IBO's staying in the hotel and they’re already there willing to help the cops? They’re good at noticing things. They sure don't need the money. People in Amway are natural talkers who have perfected the art of truth, support and complete. That would help the cops for awhile. Can you just see how the cops are trying to question an IBO and the cop is getting persuaded to sign up with Amway.

Yup the Amway win win factor.

Why didn’t the wife just keep it simple and pay one of the hotel workers to do the deed. IBO's loyalty to truth will have them do just about anything to uphold the law. So don't bother asking them. They also have a good sense of love and devotion of their Amway teachings. If you're not in Amway there is a good chance you are being sucked in by a less reputable MLM company. Possibly even a scam. Don’t think so?
Somewhere in Merchants of Deception the author is talking to a devoted follower of one of the fictional MLM'rs. That guy tells the author he would do anything for his beloved cult leader even kill for him. Lets take another famous cult leader Jim Jones at his Jonestown property in Guyana. He convinces about 1000 cult followers to drink cyanide Kool Aid. We’ll never know how many willingly drank it. Those who didn’t had devoted cult followers who forced it down their throats and others were shot to death. So absolutely cult followers will follow their leader’s demand to murder others. I read a book written by one of Jones lawyers. Him and the other lawyer hid in the jungle while the killing was going on so that’s how they knew what Jones was ordering his followers to do. They heard the loudspeaker announcements, heard the screaming and they heard the gun shots. They stayed in hiding for hours after they heard the last gun shots.

Want a job done? Get a cult leader to order devoted cult followers to do it.

So the wife just needs to approach a cult leader and hand over cash and say get the deed done. But not today because the hotel is full of Amway people. The good guys.

The IBO's in reality were not involved on this one because of the brother and the money trail to the hitmen. But it still happened at an Amway conference.

Yup the Amway win win factor.

Monday, September 16, 2013

What To Do In Portland Oregon Aswell As The Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days 2013

Amway Worldwide Dream Builders WWDB is holding Free Enterprise Days in Portland Oregon October 11 to 13 2013 at the Portland Memorial Coliseum.

I’m just copying these optional things to do in Portland when attending an Amway business building conference and pasting from previous blogs I posted.

Sorry Portland! I think I already covered what I deem to be your highlights before!

I read an article about the top 10 cities for foodies and surprisingly enough to me Portland Oregon was on the list.

Super-green Portland has earned a reputation for its farm-to-table dining, well-crafted microbrews, w popular — including Namu, excellent Korean-Hawaiian fusion — check out the food truck “pods” at Pioneer Courthouse Square or at SE Hawthorne and 12th Avenue. And don’t be fooled by the notion that these Oregonians are totally health-conscious: another culinary must-stop is Voodoo Doughnuts for its bacon-topped maple bar and the breakfast-cereal-crusted “Captain My Captain.” The original article is here.

Did that article just say Voodoo Doughnuts! Sounds like my kind of place! A little Google search and I found the web page. Over 90 different donuts! I want one of those Voodoo doll donuts! I get a lot of searchers for “Amway help” finding their way to Anna Banana’s blog. Maybe because these IBO's aren’t getting quality help because they’re always out sponsoring!? Voodoo Doughnuts can help those feed those in the Amway business with the donut creation On-The-Board.

A Google search tells me that Portland has a lot of museums and Oriental inspired gardens and parks. Not really my thing but certainly if someone was kind enough to invite me and I still might choose to go to the Amway WWDB function. If I did go to a museum, I’d go to the The Hat Museum. Admission is $15, sure it's cheaper than being in the same room as a bunch of super Diamonds encouraging IBO’s but I'd still go to WWDB.

The last time I did a post like this someone who must have been there added into comments to visit the Pittock Mansion. Admission is $8.50 for adults and slightly less for other age groups.

No one will want to miss the Church of Elvis Its in the store window of a shop in Chinatown. Has a coin operated movie that you can plug from the sidewalk. So I’d call it nearly free. Spooky coincidence but all the delegates attending Family Reunion will also be up and about pretty much 24 hours a day because the training techniques work better with all that adrenelin rushing through your body. But I’d rather hear what the Platinum has to say at 2 in the morning than the Church of Elvis movie at an all-nighter!

House Spirits Distillery tour and tasting. Yummy! Have to be 21. There is a fee for tasting but if you buy a bottle it will be waived. This will make an excellent gift for your upline Amway IBO!

Widmer Brothers Brewing Free tour. Free beer. Need I say more?

The Oregon Zoo Adult admission is $11.50 for adults. A little cheaper for other age groups. It’ll be fun to visit the bear exhibit and imagine bringing your upline to the to see them too!

For anyone really interested in visiting Portland, Oregon and doing tourist attraction things see Trip Advisor for suggestions. Most attractions are museums and parks.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

101 More ways To Praise An Amway IBO

Had so much fun with the original post that I had to carry it through with a little help from some of the people who left comments

1. Are you one of those good guys that sells Amway products?
2. How would your wife feel if you weren't in Amway?
3. How much time do your children spend with babysitters and daycare less these days now that because you’re successful with your Amway business?
4. How much debt have you written off because of Amway?
5. Does your upline never stop giving you praise?
6. Did some Platinum give you a great piece of advice and you held on to it?
7. You’ve got to pay to attend seminars so Amway can teach you how to be a commissioned salesperson? Don’t most companies provide free training?
8. How do your upline Diamonds spend the time enjoying their Amway bonus money?
9. What’s it like having everyone wanting to know more when you say you’re in Amway?
10. You don't seem to be awfully consumed by an unnatural desire for materialistic things.
11. If it's really your own business, then does your upline really control more of your life than my boss does at my J.O.B.?
12. I’m a broke loser, how can I own my house outright and become like your family with enough money to avoid foreclosure?
13. If your Amway upline Diamond asked you to sell a glass of Kool-Aid, would you do it without question? That would never happen right?
14. Does it ever bother you that the “fake it til you make it” quote sounds like an old bedroom joke sometimes?
15. That is interesting proof you have that a certain % of the population is dead or broke by age 65? 16. How fast did you make new friends thanks to Amway?
17. When my childhood friend told me there really wasn't a Santa Claus or Easter Bunny, was he being a dream-stealer?
18. Who do you like better? Rich or Jay?
19. Amway IBO’s are some of the most positive people in the world.
20.I can't wait to join your Amway business. I’m not a quitter.
21. It’ll cost me an extra $50 a month to have an Amway web page but that seems ok!
22. Do others try and make you feel superior to others for having a job?
23.I’m a compassionate human being who cares about others. Amway taught me that.
24.I was watching the Hidden Millionaire last night and I thought about you.
25.Where are your other 2 Diamonds?
26.Are you always this clever or did you learn it from your Amway upline?
27.Why do people in Amway have such a high opinion of others?
28.You want to show me a board plan? I’ll be right over. Can you come back and tell me again? Like how soon can you get here.
29.You’re in Amway? You must have some special desire to help people.
30.Go ahead and tell me everything that’s good about Amway. I have all day!
31. Look up winner in the dictionary. The definition is people who are involved in Amway.
32.You never used to be this helpful until you got involved in Amway.
33. Don’t feel great? A lot of people get into Amway because of you.
34.Are all IBO's as good as you or are you just being modest today?
35. You’re living proof that people in Amway are winners.
36.I used to think you were interesting and now that you’re involved in Amway my opinion of you has increased even more.
37. I would ask how much money you make in Amway but I know that's rude.
38.You need want to talk to me. I need a new direction!
39.Do you mean it? Cos I’m fat and should go on the Amway Trim diet plan? You’re a considerate Amway person. At least I can lose weight the right way.
40.Don’t you ever get tired of helping an IBO downline?
41. You sound like you’re impressed by your of upline Platinum.
42. I’ve come across other people in MLM who are envious of you Amway IBO's.
43.What makes an IBO tick? I sure hope its a good challenge!
44. Is your family happy now that you're home every night because you’re in Amway?
45.You are such a nice person. Tell me about Amway.
46.You say you’ll go far one day thanks to Amway? Why don’t you help me get there?
47.Must you leave so soon? I was about to put more coffee on.
48.You’re in Amway? Is there diploma for that?
49.Thanks for pointing out that I'm wasting my time in my J.O.B.
50.You signed up with Amway? You’re a born leader.
51. We all sprang from creation but you IBO's are a special breed.
52.One of the skills you’ll learn from being in Amway is the art of being kind and patient.
53. Don’t you ever take a night off?
54.I don’t know what makes you Amway IBO's so nice but whatever it is really works.
55. If jobs are so bad why do you think people stick at them?
56.I've learned that people who join Amway do it to spend more time with their families.
57. I’m out of my mind with excitement because I've just joined Amway. At last I’ve done it.
58.I have a shitty job but everything’s better now that I've become an IBO.
59.Can I talk to you on your cell phone about this?
60.I’ve can't get enough of hearing about how awesome Amway is. No other business venture is this good.
61. If you IBO's find it hard to laugh at other then the rest of us are with you.
62. Oh cool. Our IBO is visiting with us again!
63.When can I come to an Amway board plan?
64. Do you have an Amway business leader I can talk to?
65.You wanna hear my dreams? It involves you helping me build this thing.
66.What am I? A willing learner!
67.Yes, as a matter of fact, I am interested. Sign me up!
68.Why are you IBO's the biggest bunch of success stories around?
69.You’re starting to make sense. Go back and get more information from your Amway leader group for me.
70.When I join Amway I can't wait to be all nicey nice to everyone?
71. I am in Amway. I started out with nothing and I ended up financially free.
72.The only IBO's who aren’t as succesful as you yet are your downlines?.
73. I’m trying to imagine how you’d be if you were at Diamond level.
74.Amway’s got room for many many more distributors.
75. If I throw a party will you come?
76.You IBO's are not half bad!
77. Are you available tuesday evening?
78.You’re not like other people. Thanks to Amway you’re in a different class.
79.Calling you to be my upline was the best thing I've ever done!
80.I understand why you IBO's are so devoted to spreading this great message!
81. Don’t you realize there’s not enough love in this world and you IBO's are more back!
82. Ever since you became an IBO you have more time for everything!
83.How did you get IBO's get in? Can I join?
84.How can you tell when an Amway IBO is winning? His lips are moving!
85.Sure I can talk to you right now. Tell me where you’ll be in 2 to 5 minutes.
86. I heard what you said. I just can't wait to be part of it.
87.I’d rather pass on dinner and go to an Amway meeting with you.
88.If I want any more products from you should I just go ahead and call?
89. As an Amway IBO your mission in life is to offer a solution.
90. Why do I sometimes have to pay admission to listen to invited speakers?
91. You IBO's always learn from your uplines advice.
92. Obviously you’ve singled me for someone who cares a lot about Amway.
93.Do you really mean it? Perfect Water came from the Fountain of Knowledge?
94. Talk is cheap but not as cheap as those Amway products.
95.They just introduced a new coffee line for Amway IBO’s to sell. It's a real money maker.
96. What you IBO'a never lack is intelligence.
97.When you're rich, I'd like to go to your Amway party and I am really looking forward to that day. I believe in pleasure before business.
98. You Amway IBO’s are all about helping others through the darkness.
99. You IBO's are living proof that you can talk the talk as well as walk the walk.
100.Everyone I know loves you Amway IBO’s so much that when you walk into a Taco Bell everyone inside offers to pay for you.
101.You Amway IBO’s start at the bottom of the pile and then its all uphill from there.

I had more ways to praise an IBO but once again I forced myself to stop when I hit 101! Ha ha!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Come To The Light - We Have Amway Products

Ever notice with IBO's how they gush about how wonderful Amway products are. They are "high quality". They are priced appropriately - read into that unique, competitive, etc - for their high quality. Gush gush enthusiasm. The only way you too can get some of these Amway products is if you cross into the light and sign up as an Amway IBO. There's no secret club. It's not a secret buyers club.

And these leaders have found that the best way they can invite people to sign up to be an Amway IBO is because they can now buy and sell Amway products? Quality products for quality people is a brilliant slogan perhaps?

Before we signed up we went to a grand opening at the house of the IBO who ended up sponsoring us into Amway. This is someone we've known for a long time. My husband knows his brother, met him first many years ago, and over the years met the lovely brother who ended up sponsoring us into Amway. Fortunately our paths haven't crossed again and again over the years. Usually at his brother's house or a few other places over the years. Though one brother was never able to sponsor his brother and wife into Amway, which was sad. So here we are at this lunch thing and who's there. Brother and his wife. They became smart enough and finally get involved. Anything he's in they want to be in. I told my husband dont't go out of here without signing up or at least buying some Amway products.

I eventually wandered over to see what the wife thought of this Amway business and the great products. She was standing at a table loaded with a good range Amway products. She gives me some insights about how they changed their buying habits to shop from their own store and when their relatives want to buy things for them. She was totally clear on what things these relatives were tripping over each other to buy. These IBO's encourage all of their friends to shop from their store too. It seems to me she's really thrilled about this Amway business and certainly acts like she's gung ho about their new business.

Back outside with the Amway good old boy's club other people have shown up to talk to the platinum in training or whatever the level he is. Just another hardworking Amway IBO as far as I'm concerned. No wife in sight though. I can't understand why. Going to Amway events without your spouse is a waste of time.

Actually I did see the sponsor's or the platinum's wife at some Amway meetings later and I was busting my butt to talk to them. Don't be someone who think you're the only one who has better things to do with your time than go to Amway meetings? There's a lot going on you can learn.

Since heard that the platinum in training or whatever new Amway title he has taken his wife back to Iowa or wherever he came from. Went home to a proud mommy and his home town because of his supportive, christian dreambuilding wife who was positive in helping his business. Most of his downline have grown bugger as is the case with most IBO's who build strong within a year or so. Lifers like him will always keep finding new people to talk to and sell the dream and help them make more money.

Cross into the light for your Amway products. Stay in the dark side and lead a life of misery. The Amway future awaits: success, no credit card debt, lots og savings, no chance of bankruptcy or foreclosure.

Come into the light - we have Amway products.

Stay out of the dark side. Life is so much better when you are putting Amway products on your shelf.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Amway Will Save Your Life

People are finding their way to this blog after searching for “Amway will save your life”.

I’ve seen a lot of people leave comments on the Internet including this blog about the financial and emotional satisfaction that Amway "inflicted" upon them. 99% of IBO’s who sign up to be commissioned sales agents with Amway will make money. That’s just the way the system is designed and part of the reason that Amway is known as a great, a succesful, and wonderful opportunity.

The minimum monthly amount of business volume an IBO has to generate in purchasing or selling Amway products is about $300 to reach 100PV that magical number at which Amway will send out a commission check of about $10. But it don’t stop there. Completely optional you might want to spend $50/month for premier membership to WWDB (World Wide Dream Builders) another $35 for monthly Communikate services, say at least $50/month buying helpful motivational CDs and books, going to Amway meetings, going out of town to Amway functions you have to consider ticket costs plus transportation, food, hotel, etc. Call it an average of $700/month if you even get to spend that much and if you attend all of the functions over a year. That is a good estimate if you don’t want to be really serious about attending Amway meetings. CORE IBO's or at least those who want to duplicate their upline's success will probably spend much more than $300/month on purchasing and selling Amway products and a little more if they join the optional business tool system.

How much you money you make depends on how long you stick it out in your Amway business. Could only be a few hundred bucks to several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars in earnings. Much of those earnings come from bonus payments, selling the top of the range products and using the profit to “invest” in your Amway business. You eventually get to the point where you never need to take out bank loans.

Some people can bounce back from financial losses in less reputable business ideas. A lot depends on how much they lost and how much income they currently earn. A person in their 20’s who loses $50,000 is more likely to recover than a senior citizen who wiped out their entire savings buying into scam or other instead of joining the Amway opportunity. In many cases even though an IBO may have been involved in Amway for only a year or two it takes most a much shorter time to recover financially from those other "ventures". Some IBO's previously took harder hits than others and had to declare bankruptcy. But Amway saved the day! Other IBO's lost their houses because their previous "business partners" counselled with them to skip a few mortgage payments in order to afford to go to the next so called function and the bank foreclosed on them.They to benefitted by joining Amway

Here’s a tip. If you’re planning to skip a mortgage payment talk to your bank first. Some banks allow their customers to skip a month due to temporary financial setbacks. Other banks let their customers skip a few payments but require them to make up the payments over the next few months adding on extra amounts to the mortgage payment until they’re caught up. If you skip a mortgage payment because you need to money to fund your Amway business you are doing it wrong. That should never by necessary. Don't set goals and stiff the bank without first discussing it with the manager. They’re not going to be very happy. Banks don’t want to foreclose. They don’t really want to deal with selling someone’s house. They just want their money and Amway will supply plenty of it!

Its like the Amway business leaders. They really do want to help their downline - they just want to help them make money.

Another way Amway saves people’s lives is by building firm relationships. The Amway business leaders start out by encouraging the IBO's and anyone else in their lives who are in Amway. That takes care of a lot of friends and family. If the IBO’s wife has an interest in Amway and likes the sound of the Amway leaders then they work hard at encouraging the IBO to strenghten the relationship because the Amway leaders know that the spouse usually likes to get control of the finances and manage the flow of money in the family. But always the IBO is taught to put the family first. There’s no room for marriages ending in divorce thanks to Amway.

Amway saves many lives and people take to the Internet to share their Amway success stories. Thats why at Amway meetings the Amway leaders ask the IBO's to look out for “negative” information on the Internet about Amway and just ignore it as immature, childish and uninformed nonsense. According to Amway leaders the Internet is sometimes a bathroom wall polluted by losers and quitters as well as a great source of positive information. After all we do live in the real world!

And of course everyone finds their way to Anna Banana’s chamber of Amway success stories telling about the treatment you’ll receive from Amway leaders and this is the heaven you have to look forward to if you decide to join Amway - being built up by your upline.

So one more time I send out a big old THANK YOU to two of the biggest good natured people around who took time out to save our lives - the IBO that sponsored us into Amway and our wonderful Platinum!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Amway Helps Another Family

Here’s a comment left by one of my readers even though its short its facinating on so many levels.

I can now afford the meds I need to regulate my moods, we're a year ahead on our property taxes, and thank goodness my wife decided to get into into Amyway. She even lets us know now and again how much harder it would be to do if she didn't have a family helping her along.

Very clearly Amway is helping this person/family’s finances, health, and relationship. That’s what being in Amway is all about.

Here’s someone who has doctor prescribed medication and can now afford it because every extra spare penny earned has come from the Great Amway God and buying great value for money Amway products and investing in the Amway business model. You can be pretty certain the leaders in this Amway upline have convinced them that Amway Nutrilite vitamins and Perfect Water will help in their daily lives and they should be taking those products to compliement what the doctor prescribes.

Yikes ahead on property taxes. Another Amway success story where the business leaders encourage their IBO's to contribute more to the mortgage, rent, and other bills in order to demonstrate to others at Amway functions just how to get along, oh and to buy Amway products. All part of the greater plan to cause financial distress to their followers. Missing any type of bill is never a good thing but property taxes means if you skip paying them long enough the city will sieze your house and sell it at auction. All cities are different. Taxes can run hundreds of dollars a year to thousands a year. They’ve got to make arrangements with the city or their bank or a family member who can loan them money. Anything. But fortunmetly not for these people. Amway wont let them take away their house.

Then the great thing it seems like the wife is the one all gung ho on Amway. It could have been both of them to start with but the husband was slow at first but finally figured out Amway is a great money making opportunity and it costs almost nothing to be a part of it. Usually it’s the husband who’s all gung ho. Sorry men not trying to be sexist or anything here but the Amway meetings I went to were choked with men and some of them were accompanied by wives and girlfriends but the majority of IBO's are men because Amway can sometimes be a good old boy’s club although there is nothing wrong with that!

Wife is making statements about the family is helping her along. Gee where can I get some of that? Being encouraged by the leaders in her Amway upline preaching that positive Amspeak about how they will support your Amway business = christian positive dream makers and invites anyone who does want to join the Amway business.

Why do people allow Amway to into their lives. Why do people love the leaders in their Amway upline so much they’ll let those people boost their finances and relationships? Getting encoraged in this business will change your life. Nothing brings more happiness to the leaders in the Amway upline than helping people’s lives. I don't know which line of sponsorship this reader belongs to but WWDB World Wide Destructive Business Leaders comes to mind.

It looks like Amway is about to create some more millionaires. In this case they will never have to face foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, and mental health deterioration.

I'm glad this family is getting the peace they deserve and away from this sometimes horrible Amway life.

Yup this is a good time to be in Amway and be a leader that helps other people’s lives.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What's There To Do In Irvine, California Instead of WWDB Amway Fed 2013

Here's another of my guides about some other things to do in town while attending an Amway function.

This year WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days will be held in Irvine, California September 27 to 29 2013 at the Bren Events Center.

You can reach a lot of attractions and beaches inside an hour or so drive of Irvine and I think most people are aware of these places so there's not much more I can say. And just a heads up. Every attraction and beach is gonna charge you more than a few bucks to park in their lot. There is no shortage of shopping and large malls in the area like the Irvine Spectrum Center or the South Coast Plaza. Good places to come and spend your money shopping if you're married to a successful IBO in Amway!

Disneyland is the big attraction in southern California and Anaheim is not too far from Irvine and its really nice if you feel the need to take a quick break during WWDB Amway FED. Prices recently went up and a one day ticket costs $92 if you're older than 10. Slightly less if you're under 10 and different prices if you're buying a 2 day package or California resident or buy in advance. By the time you pay for parking, buy a ticket, eat meals in the park, and buy souvenirs, you're probably pretty close to realising you should have stayed at FED but it is a whole lot of fun at Disneyland!

Orange County Zoo is inside Irvine Park and is a pretty good deal at $2. Check out the bears. Hours are 10am to 3:30pm.

I'm going to throw in Knott's Berry Farm even though its not my favorite park there are people who would probably want to go there seeing as how its cheaper than Disneyland. One day pass is $62 and less if you're under 12 or a senior. Also less if you buy tickets ahead of time online. There always seem to be coupon books flying around with discounts to Knott's. Also Knott’s Scary Farm is opening the same weekend as FED. This will be a tough one to choose whether to get uplifted at an Amway conference or scared at Knott’s.

There are lots of beaches in the area. Head the car to PCH and drive north or south until you find a beach you like.

Or get out of Irvine and spend a day at Universal Studios or take a tour of the star's homes. Or down to San Diego to visit the zoo or Sea World. Everything you want is inside a 2 hour drive. I have a few favorite things that I like to do that are free except for the parking and not in this area - hint hint go north go south. I know I'll be stayin' at FED!