Wednesday, November 14, 2012

You Quit Amway Because You Didn’t Work Hard Enough!

Over and over and over ad nausea I get some confused distributors show up at this blog stating that we previously quit Amway because we didn’t work hard enough and spouting off their various concerns about how you have to work hard at the Amway business if you want to be successful.

Not really. You have to be a good and be a good leader. Whether or not that’s hard work or comes naturally is another story.

Learn the difference. Some people think they’re so original. I’ve heard uplines in our Amway business spout that type of thing long before these newbies ever joined the business.

The one thing no IBO can define is what is the measure of “hard work”. Amway is advertised by most uplines as something you can do in your spare time 10 to 15 hours a week and make gazillions of dollars. Those 10 to 15 hours are pretty much already tied up attending Amway meetings or counselling with upline or dealing with phone calls and texts from other people in your Amway upline. Once the IBO spends time encouraging people to come to the Amway meetings or buying the great products those hours can easily be doubled. Triple that if the IBO finds some new people to show the plan to but that’s ok!

People don’t quit Amway or weren’t successful at Amway because they didn’t work hard enough. They finally woke up and realized the business was just not for them at this time. They realized they weren’t making enough money and decided to do something else. And when they talked to other IBO’s or former Amway members some had similar stories. So they quit. They didn’t renew their Amway membership. They stopped buying the products. They stopped hanging out with other members. They stopped listening to CD’s and being encouraged. They walked away. They didn’t walk away from life. They just made a decision that was “right” for them. I know real business owners who have had to shut down their businesses for one reason or another. And it’s usually a very traumatic event. The business was their passion. They put everything they had into it, their money and every hour of the day they could. For whatever reason the business didn’t make money and they had to close down and quit wasting their money.

Some would say those business owners didn’t work hard enough. For some reason I have friends who like to start up sandwich shops. Yes! I know lots of people who can fix me a good sandwich! I remember the first of our friends who started up a shop told us they’d spent or probably got a bank loan for $50,000 for one of the kitchen equipment. I don’t know if it was a restaurant grade coffee espresso cappuccino machine or something else for the kitchen. Don’t remember. Just remember 50k. They were in sort of a bad location. Got lots of traffic but parking was horrible around here. They closed down after about 6 months. Since then there have been other restaurants start up in this same location and they’ve all closed down soon thereafter.

So did my friends fail at their business because they didn’t work hard enough? Nope. They were at the restaurant 80 hours a week maybe more. But some confused Amway IBO would point fingers at them and say that 80+ hours a week ain’t enough and they weren’t hard workers and they’re failures and losers. What about all the businesses that were lost because of Sandy Frankenstorm on the east coast? I saw news footage of a woman standing where her restaurant used to be. It had all blown away except for the Pepsi fridge. Sure insurance will cover a lot of these businesses getting rebuilt but some people will walk away. Screwed up Amway newbies will accuse those devastated by Hurricane Sandy and closing their businesses as not working hard enough.

Where do these Amway newbies think they have the right to go around accusing people of quitting their businesses because they didn’t work hard enough. And what is the measure of hard work anyway? None of them will answer that question when I ask them. It’s inconceivable to a screwed up Amway newbie that there are other reasons why people close down their businesses other than they “didn’t work hard enough.” No matter how hard someone works and no matter how much money they’ve invested in their business if it isn’t profitable the smartest financial move is to close up shop and walk away.

So get a big grip out there to all those Amway newbies and fix your distorted work ethic!

1 comment:

  1. Are you bipolar? Your posts kep varying hugely in your opinion and really show how much credibility you lack... perhaps getting off the computer and getting to a therapist might be a plan.


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