Saturday, November 3, 2012

Amway Distributors Paranoid About Lazy!

I get a lot of various pieces of input from IBO’s who show up here and feel inclined to leave a comment: do-gooder, winner, positive, dreambuilder, christian, lazy, tries very hard, etc, etc, etc!!!!!! Wait a minute! LAZY???

Today I thought I’d write a post about some Amway distributors paranoia about their perception of lazy.

According to those distributors that description belongs to people who quit Amway. Lazy.

A bit too judgemental there fellow distributors.

Pointing fingers is one thing but you might be pointing them the wrong way and you might just be the lazy distributor. You really think you’re going to become millionaires by working less than 10 to 15 hours a week even though your upline will tell you that is the minimum amount you should be putting in and that Amway is not a get rich quick scheme. Making $100,000 in 3 months, 6 months, a year whatever time period your Amway upline quotes will seem pretty quick to most people. Amway is not a get rich quick scheme and certainly not a business for lazy people.

Most people who run their own businesses work long hours, maybe work every day of the week. These could be the same people who need Amway to find it can work for them if they decide not to waste any more money on half-brained jobs and quit to focus on a real business and real income. Some distributors should not point fingers and accuse others of quitting cause they’re lazy. Lazy ass distributors who have likely never really understood their own business or know what hard work is really like. And no. Sometimes just putting on a suit and spending hours on phone calls and texts with the people in your Amway upline and pretending you own an Amway business does not make you a real business owner.

Back to lazy. Years ago a coworker told me that she was over at a friend’s house and the kitchen wasn’t clean. According to my coworker there is no reason why a kitchen can’t be clean. If you don’t keep your kitchen clean then you’re lazy. I disagreed with her. For all she knew her friend had spent 30 minutes cleaning the kitchen and it was clean enough for her. What my coworker, her friend, and I think of as a clean kitchen could be miles apart. What’s clean for one person may not be clean enough for someone else. Doesn’t mean they’re lazy. Just different standards for clean. They got it clean enough and moved on to do something else.

Just because someone isn’t doing something that maybe they should be getting done doesn’t make them a lazy person. It just means they ended up doing something else instead of doing what they should have got done.

Before we were in Amway there were a lot of unemployed people and others who got fired. A person who stopped by recently to leave a comment here said he had to fire a distributor. The usual reasons I think I’ve covered before. When you hire a distributor they immediately think they’ve got better things to do than get the work done they signed up to do. The better things they’ve got to do are taking/responding to phone calls and texts from the people in their Amway upline and encouraging their downlines to come to meetings, buy Amway products. Some people could look at those distributors as lazy. Others that they’re doing things just right to do with their time/business.

I know if I was “paying” someone to get a job done and they were busy doing other stuff instead I’d be ticked off.

Bottom line if people are lazy that doesn’t affect my life one way or the other. Unless of course I was paying them to do a job. So why are some distributors so fixated on lazy? Why do they care if someone is lazy? How does it affect their life if someone is lazy? Why do they automatically label people who quit Amway as lazy? Why do they bother leaving comments on my blog about the lazy people who have quit Amway? Because they have no respect for themselves and are not paying attention to anything their Amway upline says! They have to justify why all these people quit Amway. Couldn’t be that the person rightly decided the business is just not for them. Not according to the wrong footed distributor. It’s cause they’re lazy and that’s why they didn’t want to make money. Has nothing to do with the fact that making money only being a fraction of the reasons why people sign up in the first place.

If a distributor tries to prospect you into Amway just tell them it’s an honour to be invited. No real distributor will go nutso and become judgemental when they understand what real laziness is. Lazy people already know Amway will not be a good idea for them.

Yeah we can throw it right back in those really lazy prospects faces!

Lazy ass prospects need not apply!

Just because someone chooses not to do something or doesn’t do it to your standards doesn’t make them lazy. Just means it was good enough for their own standards or that they had something better to do.

Just cause someone isn’t in Amway doesn’t make them lazy. Just means they think they’ve got better things to do with their time and money. So don’t be too judgemental fellow distributors!

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