Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Platinum Swimming Pool

We were over at a friend’s house the other day sitting on the patio around the pool when all of a sudden gurgling noises I mean really loud noises start coming from the pumphouse. Everyone goes over for a look. I’m no mechanic. All I can tell you is something in there was making a heck of a noise and water was gushing around this plastic bubble thing in there. Our friend turned off the power switch. That’s one way of fixing the problem. They have to phone someone for maintenance. That’s what people do around here. Call the pool boy service.

I like to swim I have to have a house with a pool but I know things can go bad. And expensive. The thing with pools is that when something goes wrong like a burst pipe underground or in our friends case really noisy mechanical noises it’s a real pain in the rear to fix and is going to cost $$$ to repair.

Our upline Platinum had a huge swimming pool in his backyard. Actually the black lagoon may have been a better name for it. I don’t know when it happened but it was sometime after he bought the house something in the pumphouse broke down. I don’t remember when he bought the house but it was sometime within 5 years of signing up to Amway. He could have been living there a year or two before we met. All I remember is that they hadn’t owned the house a whole long time and they said the pool worked when they bought it and they used it the first year. His son and daughter were 13 and 14 when we met so they were old enough to know not to go near that nasty pool but if they’d been there 5 years earlier they would have been young enough the pool pristine clean or black lagoon would have been an attractant.

It’s a kidney shaped pool popular at the time the house was built for people with small backyards. Our Platinum’s pool was filled about one third with black green murky water. I don’t know what all was growing in there. Gross nasty stuff. Maybe they threw the wrong products in there and that’s what happened! For a pool to get that bad there is serious neglect going on. It would seem if the pool is not able to be repaired that at the very least all the water should be drained out of it. I don’t know if they actually partly drained their pool or if it was leaking and the water level finally ended up below the leak. I mean either get the pool in working condition or fill it in and put a garden over it. It’s just nasty the way it is. Not to mention a health and safety hazard. My husband even asked our Platinum why he didn’t get it fixed and running again and got a great answer that all their extra money was being invested back into “the business” and he also reasoned the pool wasn't making them money. No but somewhere down the road it’s going to cost you a lot of money the longer you let it stay like it is. I’m sure they won’t fill it in because they probably think a pool is a good selling feature for a house when it comes time to sale. Not a hell hole crappy pool like that! The buyers would likely deduct 25k for their inconvenience of dealing with that neglected pool.

Is the Platinum a lazy person because he won’t clean and repair his pool? Hell yes!!!! Even if a bucket brigade needs to be formed the water can be gotten out of that pool one way or another. It can be scrubbed down. Leaks can be fixed. Whether there are leaks in the underground pipe system or mechanical issues in the pumphouse I don’t know. But you know how some people are always running around leaving comments on my blog about “lazy” and “didn’t try hard enough” blah blah blah those comments could be applied to our Platinum. He’s lazy because he doesn’t get his pool into at least a respectable clean safe area. If he tried to fix it he didn’t try hard enough because it looks like a toilet. The reality is they have no desire to fix that pool. No matter how many times he helped us in making 10k/month in Amway and whatever party he threw for us that week they had no desire to keep that pool clean. That’s what Amway does to people. Gives them a different perspective.

I’m not surprised that he hasn’t sent out pool party invitations to his downlines. It won’t be the type of pool party where you sit around on loungers with drinks and go for a dip in the pool and have a BBQ afterwards. The only real pool party should be a work party. Bring your scrub brushes! He has recently prospected and signed up someone who maintains swimming pools so maybe he might get the pool fixed for free.

So all those times our Platinum used to lead meetings and talk about lazy people he really needed to look in a mirror. Hey! Platinum! Clean up your pool!

I think I have a pool problem!

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