Saturday, August 31, 2013

Nothing Ever Changes In Amway

Here’s a reader who tells us how much has changed for him in Amway in the past 20 years. The training tapes IBO's were encouraged to buy are now CD’s. The story is a similar one for many people who’ve gotten into Amway. A couple looking to make a better life, have extra money, have the wife be a stay at home mother. Dream Night = hope. 40 people in a hotel room at an Amway function. Maybe some sleep. Love bombing. Having words like winner and achiever ingrained into their heads from the leaders in their Amway upline. No fear of being ostracized keeping them in the Amway business. Figuring out Amway is a winning business opportunity. Promoting Amway products. Savings increased. Credit cards irrelevant. Vacationing a lot of the time. Being financially free. How many times has this story been told? Get involved in Amway and step into a brave new world.

Every now and then I get an urge to look up the latest info on the Amway world. So this time I landed on your blog and I'm glad I did.

My wife of twenty five years and I were invited onto the soap enriched slopes of Mt Amway back in the early 90's after we were first married. We were a couple of wide eyed 23 yr olds who wanted simply to help ourselves financially by making that extra few hundred bucks a month and buy products we were already using from ourselves. Sound familiar?

Our sponsor was a guy I went to school with. It all seemed pretty good until we attended our first function, a Dream Night if I recall. We were blown away. We were newly married and as such didnt have a lot of money. We did have good credit however. So we paid for this with mostly credit, partly cash, all with the blessing of our upline direct. It seemed at first quite expensive even with like forty of us attending in a room in Richmond. And we didnt sleep all damned weekend. And above all I was very unfamiliar with a lot of what was being said but tried to keep an "open mind".

But I digress. After this I began discovering facts and crunching numbers and realized in the back of my mind that this was a winning proposition. I wanted to give it a fair shake and I'm not a quitter, and my bride whom I did and do love dearly, was all in. So we continued. For two long years and the birth of our first child. His birth caused us both to take a long look at how we were spending our resources and we finally had the clarity of mind to say this is amazing.

The attraction for her was the people. You know the ones who hug you incessantly and tell you they love you? The ones who tell you how great you are, you're a winner, and all the other good stuff? I'm not really a touchy feely guy and wasn't really into that but she was raised in a home where praise and encouragement came at a premium. She lapped it up. For me it was the desire to achieve success for me and my wife and honestly, I wanted her to be proud of me like those gals up on stage were proud of their hardworking hubbies. (I hear a whole bunch of them have grown to achieve better things and are now financially free).

I have to this day no real idea how much we might have lost had we not gotten in. I know it added a huge dimension to our married life because of the bills we racked up and were able to immediately take care of. By the time we had an established downline group we were flat financially comfortable, the cards were no longer required, the savings were secure, and we were agreeing with each other over everything. No more tension about money, or rather the lack of it. And there was enough LOC in our closet to float a battleship. Everybody loves that stuff. It is always helping us, the Amway deal set us up with a good five years head start to a financially free situation.

Today I would tell everyone to get involved, and as a young and gullible man I was lucky enough to be invited right in. And I actually cried. I went out and met people. You know, "cold contacting" and setting up "QI's" and the whole tamale. Went to the meetings, conventions, and slept 3-4 hours a nite. Always made enough to cover the gas and the food, the hotel rooms. Looking back it was like escaping from a booby hatch. After probly a year of Amway influence, tapes in our car tape deck,(no they weren't CD's they werent invented yet) and telling every upline IBO who called to come over we're having a bbq, we were free. We are now approaching our Silver we're in Amway-Thank You Lord Anniversary. Carry on your good work, Anna Banana.

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