Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Another Amway Success Part 2

A reader shares her story:

Our involvement in Amway is getting results. I see our savings start to go up. The credit card debt is getting lower. We’re saving a lot. I’m reading up on Amway on the Internet and finding out the lies we hear on certain blogs. I’m always hearing about how Amway owns the Amway stadium in Orlando, Florida. I show my husband where the city of Orlando owns the stadium and they pay 40 million for the rights to have their name on the building for 10 years. No different than other stadiums. Every major sporting event seems to be held in a building named after a corporate sponsor paying for the advertising space. My husband tells me not to believe anything I read on those negative blogs because it’s all a bunch of lies. He calls the bloggers the bathroom wall like everyone else we know in Amway calls them. They don’t want anyone finding out the truth about Amway and how it’s a bunch of lies and a scam and a pyramid scheme.

I’m taken out to the latest Amway function. I always look forward to these meetings. These people make me laugh to no end. My husband buys 10 tickets to Dream Night in January. 10 tickets? Who’s going with him? Me for starters! The remaining tickes are snapped up before you know it. I tell him to buy some more tickets and get more people to come and I know he will. He’s determined to succeed in the eyes of the good people in our upline.

We had a really great Christmas. Talking a lot of the time about Amway. It has enhanced our lives. The people we met in Amway are out to help in cases of trouble and our marriage is better and they make our lives worth living. They are the most beautiful people I’ve ever encountered and I love them for it. They’ve encouraged my husband and turned him into a great person. Our kids are fantastic, our jobs are ok!, and on and on it goes.

I went to a pastor and with my husband to see if we could donate some money to the church. He was freaked out. You are another IBO I think, he said. There are about four or five people in his church who give in the same way and they’re happy and successful. He’s a happy pastor and will probably stay in our community for quite a while.

I know we will never go through a divorce situation because this is all very good. It’s been fantastic for me and one of the easiest decisions I’ve made but I have it easy to do, both for my own emotional well being and to try and get my finances back on track. I can’t really explain the emotional highs of Amway. This is a magnificant company. They care about people. I phoned Ada to praise our upline and the support to be had at Amway meetings. Everybody cares.

At last there’s websites like this where we can share our stories of the happiness Amway has brought to our lives.

Thank you for what you do.

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