Friday, September 14, 2012

Amway Changed My Life

A reader shares her story.

I thought I was living my dream life. My husband and I got married six years ago. Right away we bought a house using a small inheritance I'd received as a down payment. Cute little house with three bedrooms. I loved it and thought I'd be happy here forever. Our son was born four years ago. My husband worked for a courier and I've been working the same cashier job since going back to work after maternity leave. Maybe not the greatest jobs in the world but we were happy and meeting our bills. We had some savings. My husband was happy and funny and a great dad. One of the nicest people I've ever met in my life.

One day he comes home and tells me he met this man on his route who has a home based business and is going to drop by in an hour to tell us more about it. I was interested because my husband was excited and I'd like to work at home and be there for our son. Right now we were lucky and our church offers a reasonable child care service but I'd love not to go to work every day. This couple shows up and they seem nice. They show us this plan but I'm kind of confused by it. All I get out of it is we eat an energy bar every day and drink an energy drink every day and we find others to do the same and we can make a thousand dollars a month working part time from our home. I ask them how long they've been doing this and how much they make. They both look really uncomfortable and all he says is business is going really great and then he changes the subject. He tells us there is someone he wants us to meet who can explain this business better and whips out his cell phone to call this guy. Before I can stop him or say we want to think about is he gets this guy to agree to meet us the next night at McDonalds of all places.

We meet this guy and right away I like him. He reminds me of an infomercial sales guy on TV. He tells us he's a Platinum and we hear the word Amway for the first time and he jumps all around that and tells us the company he's involved in only uses Amway to ship their products and that he would have us join a company called the World Wide Group, a leadership training company. This is also known as World Wide Dream Builders and WWDB. They gave us more informed information and say now is the time to sign up to this great business opportunity because things are about to explode and we're coming in at the right time to make lots of money. They're over the top excited.

My husband wants to sign up and I agree. I guess it doesn't hurt to give it a try. Was I ever right! Amway became our answer to prayer almost right away. This was two years ago and it's been great ever since. We don’t have to but we usually attend business growth meetings at 8 o'clock several nights a week. Sometimes we chip in a little to help the cost and we normally hire a sitter when time we go. They introduce new products and services at nearly all these meetings. Showing the Amway business plan is east and everyone gets really social and we usually have a great timer. We live in eastern Washington and we are close enough to drive to where all these big meetings are held in Portland, Spokane, and Boise. There is so much choice and if we could we would go to more than one sometimes even when they're a week or two apart in different cities.

After one year our profits and savings are up. We are about $20,000 in credit at the bank and we have boxes of Amway products in the garage that my husband keeps on standby for when we or our customers or downlines start to run out!

The head honcho upline counsels with us to use the extra money we have made in our business to pay off the mortgage on our home. I loved doing this. The house is a great security. We pay off the debt. My husband quits his job. I still don't know why but I suspect due to Amway because he is changed and has become a really loving person and encourages everyone to join with us and start their Amway business. He's on the phone all the time constantly planning opportunity meetings with our upline. He tells me this is a good thing because now we can concentrate full time on building our Amway business. Out comes the planner because we need to increase our Amway products stock. The mortgage is gone and the other bills are paid on time and to think that two years earlier my pay couldn’t even come close to meeting our financial obligations. We have put over $30,000 more savings in to our bank in the last year.

In July we went to family reunion in Portland. My cousin lives there and we stayed at her house and she offered to watch our son. My husband loved this time. We could have spent the money to stay at a hotel to close to our upline but we liked the family time. We did get to go to some of the late night meetings that they call night owls. I am happy. We get on with my cousin and we’re glad me missed out on the hotel. I didn't go to family function. I talked to my cousin all weekend about what a difference our lives are because of Amway. Most of our family and friends have joined with our business because of my husbands’ success.

That weekend I decided for my own happiness to quit my job and go full time in Amway. My husband was thrilled. He says success is right around the corner. He is not kidding! We signed up two people during two weeks in Portland and that was just after we got there. One has really excelled after a few weeks because the other distributors in our upline organization helped them and the other couple are close friends of ours who are coming along nicely. They both renewed their membership for the following year.

We're now in the process of expanding our family. He has found a bigger house for us almost in the same neighborhood out and is help remodel it with the help of our upline. Our old house is up for sale. My parents are thinking they might take out a further mortgage and buy it and have got a lawyer to look into it. My husband is using another one of our downlines in Amway to help him with all the legal stuff. The only thing they're concerned about is that I don't get too excited over this whilst the new baby is on the way! I’m stronger than that but it’s nice to know they care. Besides I don't need to do much half the time! I guess I can forget about having financial worries because he has planned things well. I want good school for our son. He can keep growing our Amway business.

This is not how I thought my life would turn out. I'm 32 and have a great husband we both have a young son to raise. My new beautiful house will be ready quite soon. I will want for nothing when we move out of our old house.

All I can say to anyone who gets approached by someone in Amway to sign up and sell their products and recruit others to sell Amway products is go for it! Everybody wants an opportunity in life and even just retailing the products will produce a moderates extra income. So go and sign up. It’s a great way to use your time and make money.

Thank you Amway for changing my life.

1 comment:

  1. That's such a great story. A couple of years inside this business leads to life changing results. I know this will take you to places you never imagined and I'm happy this happened to you. It's hard starting any business but it sounds like you have a good support system in place and I think you're still young enough to look forward to many more years of enjoyment. Thank you for sharing your story! Very gracious of you.


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