This is a continued story and I want to say here that a lot of people figure out really quickly that getting into Amway is a great decision to make and they try to make the best out of it and look forward to making their money back. And then they say hallelujah and run with it.
So after another hazing meeting with the IBO leaders my fiancé and I agree to join up. we fill out all the paper work pay our 'sign on' fee and get everything underway, we get signed up with WWDB and this conference line called Communikate which is the probably the most frustrating thing to use and at 40 a month holy crap that's half my phone bill that I ACTUALLY USE. I don't really think we need but but hey!
So here we are we this business, we are kinda excited cause we get a retail site and etc and we are making the best of it together.
So my upline IBO friend is all excited that we are about to place our first order and we can start making money and be debt free in 12-18 months! I must have missed the part that you had spend 300 dollars just to hit your mark and have other people spend 150~ dollars just to help you hit your mark. After doing the math I would make a whopping 4 dollars extra bonus at first, but wait! I would also get a $50 for a newcomers sign on bonus if I hit my mark!
This is partially my fault for not doing enough research or asking enough questions so I am now in the making the best of it mode.
90% of the products on the site I don't even buy anyways, but I was going to spend money to buy this stuff anyways? I do like their shakes and energy drinks, but I don't buy them on a monthly basis, I don't buy cleaning products on a monthly basis, maybe one every other other month, so now we are finding customers to buy enough to hit our mark and we are up 300 or so dollars for that? $54 bucks that shows up on the 15th.
I was so excited and one foot out the door to celebtrate WITHIN 24 hours of being in amway/WWDB. I texted my upline even though he prefers Kate, but seriously? That system takes like 5 mins to send a 5 second message, talk about adding 9 steps to something.
He calmed us down by saying it just the initial 'shock' that everyone goes through etc etc. I was like whatever man and just went with it. I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I figured we were testing all the products and we should see what we should try to give out as samples so the initial cost was whatever.
Then came these optional meetings twice a week for 3 hours starting at 8pm. I didn't think it was that bad but sometimes it was the same people and same presentation.
My fiancé and I were getting extremely demotivated for some reason. As I mentioned before I already figured out the business idea 24 hours in and felt a little bored but tried to turn into a positive.
We went to attend the free enterprise meeting and we walked up to the door and saw the tons of IBO's lining up and about to go in to listen to speaker speak his words of wisdom on how to get rich. We were I think 2nd in line and we were like this is cool and got the best seats and left right after and spent 20 bucks later on a good dinner lol.
I got calls and texts from my uplines asking where we were. I told them we were with a couple of young downlines who didn't want to do this anymore (I did not want to offend so I Didn't say go away I'll deal with this etc etc) and that they were just going to buy and sell LIKE A NORMAL RETAIL SITE DOES. I got a text from my friend IBO and then he tried to call me I was like dude they say this is not what it was presented, even after listening to your CDs it all makes sense. There is a reason they say why you hide the fact its Amway cause of all the bad press it has. You are forcing yourself to believe in something that's not true. Then he tries and say don't listen to no one else just do your research on THE WWDB AND AMWAY sites, o ok cause that's going to be reiable opinions, and only talk to people 'in the business' about stuff o yeah cause IBO's are totally gonna tell the truth of ok bro amway is cool I'll do that lol.
He speaks of power of association, and tries to tell me not to listen to people who don't make a lot of money cause you will be BROKE like them. Hey guess what I make more money than you and 90% of the people that are at your meetings why would I listen to you about making money?
But he is right! Although some of those people he is 'tied' into make their money not from selling amway products but from the monthly fees you pay and for buying tickets to their training seminars.Not everyone does that and the ones who stick to the plan usually succeed.
He got his upline to call me and wanted to have 'a man to man' talk about my concerns and I told him, this upline had a response to everything and he was saying o first you must care about your fiancé if you are just gonna trade time for money like everyone else with a job. I was like are you serious? What I do love is having a business that pays me and not a job that I have to pay it so that I can pay for all this nice stuff and house so that my fiancé and I can come home to dipshit.
O here is my other thoughts about Kate, this thing is sucha POS and 99% of the shit messages I get on there marked 'urgent' is from the platinu or diamond saying how he went to the doctors and his vitamin B levels are low or that he just got out of the shower and wanted us to know he's FIRED UP about how well we are doing. I am learning so much from that input but I really do not like the Kate system.
Seriously? I am paying 40 bucks for a fucking facebook hotline I have to call/login into every few hours? No fucking thanks. I cancelled that shit so fast along with the 'learning' material.
I still do have the site as being a member I get 40 bucks off my phone bill along with other perks that makes up for the 50 bucks I pay a month on it. And I do enjoy some of the products, I do my research and compare prices, I have my opinion of quality. Why the hell would I buy regular laundry detergent for the same price as SA8 clean? Oxy clean works like ok costs the same price and comes with less the amount.
Anways my IBO friend still invites me to the Family reunion that happened last week in Portland. I go but I spend my $555 bucks elsewhere cos I live 10 minutes away why the fuck would I pay for a hotel?
Anways I hope someone enjoys reading this and as I do enjoy reading the blogs and watching the dateline exposing crappy mlm's that are funny straight up cults.
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