Monday, September 9, 2013

Amway Helps Another Family

Here’s a comment left by one of my readers even though its short its facinating on so many levels.

I can now afford the meds I need to regulate my moods, we're a year ahead on our property taxes, and thank goodness my wife decided to get into into Amyway. She even lets us know now and again how much harder it would be to do if she didn't have a family helping her along.

Very clearly Amway is helping this person/family’s finances, health, and relationship. That’s what being in Amway is all about.

Here’s someone who has doctor prescribed medication and can now afford it because every extra spare penny earned has come from the Great Amway God and buying great value for money Amway products and investing in the Amway business model. You can be pretty certain the leaders in this Amway upline have convinced them that Amway Nutrilite vitamins and Perfect Water will help in their daily lives and they should be taking those products to compliement what the doctor prescribes.

Yikes ahead on property taxes. Another Amway success story where the business leaders encourage their IBO's to contribute more to the mortgage, rent, and other bills in order to demonstrate to others at Amway functions just how to get along, oh and to buy Amway products. All part of the greater plan to cause financial distress to their followers. Missing any type of bill is never a good thing but property taxes means if you skip paying them long enough the city will sieze your house and sell it at auction. All cities are different. Taxes can run hundreds of dollars a year to thousands a year. They’ve got to make arrangements with the city or their bank or a family member who can loan them money. Anything. But fortunmetly not for these people. Amway wont let them take away their house.

Then the great thing it seems like the wife is the one all gung ho on Amway. It could have been both of them to start with but the husband was slow at first but finally figured out Amway is a great money making opportunity and it costs almost nothing to be a part of it. Usually it’s the husband who’s all gung ho. Sorry men not trying to be sexist or anything here but the Amway meetings I went to were choked with men and some of them were accompanied by wives and girlfriends but the majority of IBO's are men because Amway can sometimes be a good old boy’s club although there is nothing wrong with that!

Wife is making statements about the family is helping her along. Gee where can I get some of that? Being encouraged by the leaders in her Amway upline preaching that positive Amspeak about how they will support your Amway business = christian positive dream makers and invites anyone who does want to join the Amway business.

Why do people allow Amway to into their lives. Why do people love the leaders in their Amway upline so much they’ll let those people boost their finances and relationships? Getting encoraged in this business will change your life. Nothing brings more happiness to the leaders in the Amway upline than helping people’s lives. I don't know which line of sponsorship this reader belongs to but WWDB World Wide Destructive Business Leaders comes to mind.

It looks like Amway is about to create some more millionaires. In this case they will never have to face foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, and mental health deterioration.

I'm glad this family is getting the peace they deserve and away from this sometimes horrible Amway life.

Yup this is a good time to be in Amway and be a leader that helps other people’s lives.

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