Monday, October 22, 2012

A Room Full of Winners!

At the Amway meetings I attended everyone was constantly reaffirmed they were a “winner”. A winner sometimes simply by showing up! I was sitting in a roomful of winners! Wow!

I agree!!!!

Based on Amway definitions I guess and it turns out I was always under the false impression that a winner was a person who wins a prize or something. Based on my definition I bet I was probably the biggest loser in the room. My first prize? A cake in a cakewalk! I’ve won countless small prizes in raffles and radio and TV contests like books, concert tickets, and Starbuck’s gift cards. I’ve won cash, maybe totalling$1000 several times on radio contests over the years. I’ve even won a couple of trips from company Christmas parties where they purchased or got an airline to donate prizes.

How come I never win the lotteries for those million dollar houses???!!!!

But probably I would I have a better track record than the rest of the room when it comes to being a winner in those circumstances. I’ve made some money on a lot of contests but never more than I ever did in Amway! With no money invested and just a little time. Not even 10 to 15 hours a week! You can make a lot of money and be a winner!

Everyone else in the room is a “winner” just because they showed up to the 8pm warrior meeting instead of staying home watching TV.

The big winner is the person who sponsors the most prospects! The prize is the adoring respect of your peers.

Yeah! That’s right. The winners in this room brought a lot of prospects. Lot’s adoring respect for all of them. Everyone was on the receiving end of the Platinum’s applause.

The real winners? Those of us who said: “Bring it on! Amway’s for me.”

Whatever happened to that roomful of “winners”? Are they winning or are they losing?

All of those winners are still hanging in there making their money and gaining their freedom. The rest of us should admire them and jump on the bandwagon.

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