Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Amway People!

The happiest people I’ve ever met in my life are Amway distributors.

When you meet them for the first time they’ll have these amazing grins on their face and they totally love bomb you. They go out of their way to make you feel welcome and they will always seek to talk to the people in the room who are not Amway business members. Gotta make sure the prospects know this is more than just a business.

And once you really get to know these Amway people you realise they really are happy distributors!

And there’s plenty to be happy about when you’re on the inside of the Amway business. Amway IBO’s have learned how to devote all their time and money to their Amway colleagues and downlines. They’ve learned to believe that people who are not members of the Amway business are missing something wonderful and to encourage them by making time for them and their family and friends. They’re selling the idea of how to be free and not need to ask permission before doing anything or no longer feel able to do the fun activities they enjoyed before getting into life’s little ruts. They are “investing” all this money in “the business” and seeing great rewards in excess of $1000’s or so each month. And that’s only the beginning. They also promote the idea of purchasing about $300 worth of Amway products every month designed to replace needlessly spending more money through other outlets. I’m counting more than a few hundreds of dollars that might as well be flushed down the toilet by not choosing Amway products in place of those sole by nameless corporations. The only people making a profit in the Amway business are all those who’ve recently joined all the way up the Diamonds and beyond. There is no point in sitting on top of a pyramid (think low paid JOB’s) when there ain’t no room for no one else getting in the system.

Wiping out your savings account and driving up the credit card debt are reasons enough to consider joining Amway. Helping you to prevent that happening make Amway people happy.

Then the Amway distributor wants to grow. That’s when the Amway business leader starts riding mentoring more. “You can grow in the knowledge that success is right around the corner. You’re about to go really big really soon I can feel it.” So the Amway distributor learns and believes the time honored message and sticks around to realise more money and a healthier business.

And then the distributors in the Amway upline reinforce their message to the other IBO’s:

“This Amway business is so easy that any positive thinking person can succeed at it.” “If you’re not making money in Amway then we will help you make more than enough.” “Hard working and successful people can make a lot of money in Amway.” “If you don’t make money in Amway initially then we will help you overcome that.”

And on and on come the messages that only serve to make you and other IBO’s happy. The Amway upline are the most positively minded people around. They will go a long way to go to promote moral in your team!

Family and friends are delighted to be associated with the Amway distributor. The distributor enjoys happiness with them. Happy because somewhere deep down the distributor knows these people are enjoying the products and the savings they make by not overspending in regular stores. The IBO will always admit to helping someone realise the truth this business and it’s product line. So the distributor displays their happiness towards anyone who is trying to get into and understand the truth about the Amway business.

That means the distributors beloved Amway leaders are upright folk and are there only to help you make it. That makes the distributor happy when they figure out they’ve been surrounded and helped by some of the most honest people on earth. Amway is a lot of fun and that makes distributors happy.

The longer a distributor stays in Amway the more rewarding it becomes and being surrounded by like mined uplines makes a lot of distributors happy.

Don’t want to be angry no more? Get into Amway!

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Room Full of Winners!

At the Amway meetings I attended everyone was constantly reaffirmed they were a “winner”. A winner sometimes simply by showing up! I was sitting in a roomful of winners! Wow!

I agree!!!!

Based on Amway definitions I guess and it turns out I was always under the false impression that a winner was a person who wins a prize or something. Based on my definition I bet I was probably the biggest loser in the room. My first prize? A cake in a cakewalk! I’ve won countless small prizes in raffles and radio and TV contests like books, concert tickets, and Starbuck’s gift cards. I’ve won cash, maybe totalling$1000 several times on radio contests over the years. I’ve even won a couple of trips from company Christmas parties where they purchased or got an airline to donate prizes.

How come I never win the lotteries for those million dollar houses???!!!!

But probably I would I have a better track record than the rest of the room when it comes to being a winner in those circumstances. I’ve made some money on a lot of contests but never more than I ever did in Amway! With no money invested and just a little time. Not even 10 to 15 hours a week! You can make a lot of money and be a winner!

Everyone else in the room is a “winner” just because they showed up to the 8pm warrior meeting instead of staying home watching TV.

The big winner is the person who sponsors the most prospects! The prize is the adoring respect of your peers.

Yeah! That’s right. The winners in this room brought a lot of prospects. Lot’s adoring respect for all of them. Everyone was on the receiving end of the Platinum’s applause.

The real winners? Those of us who said: “Bring it on! Amway’s for me.”

Whatever happened to that roomful of “winners”? Are they winning or are they losing?

All of those winners are still hanging in there making their money and gaining their freedom. The rest of us should admire them and jump on the bandwagon.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Slice and Dice!

Getting back to being Amway WWDB FED up at the Bren Center in Irvine after hanging out behind the scenes for a bit Joecool and I wandered around the halls and arena area mingling with other Amway distributors. Well not really mingling more like blending in and watching the show. Its really great and fantastic how these distributors are continuing to support those uplines waving at them from the stage and how they have they no doubt that in a couple of years they’ll be rich too and they’ll be on the stage speaking to everyone. That’s approximately 56% of distributors who get to the stage level. C’mon people try and get that through your heads! There’s more than enough room at the top of the pile for all of you!!! And the ones at the top really only want to share the wealth!

Tried to spend as much time inside the auditorium where we could see the speakers. All I heard was very encouraging and similar to what I heard a long time ago so we went back to the hall. Actually you couldn’t stay away from those distributors. I could hear them everywhere I went. Hear them sound happy and excited even if I could not really understand what they were saying.

We could not see enough. But enough to know that nothing good changes. Enough to hear some distributor from the stage tell a good story about how he worked at a gas station and his wife was a waitress and then some dear friend showed them the plan and then they got into “the business” and now they can buy anything they want. Fantastic. It never gets tired how many times that story is told but can those distributors tell it well. All the while mentioning the Amway word.

We stayed.

Went not too far away to get a cold drink. That would be soft drink not a real drink even though that wasn’t out of the question either it was just too early! I didn’t want to be too far away to not to run into any distributors. Trust me. A few blocks was far enough! There’s a bunch of Amway guys in there. We have arrived! And it was great to see one or two people taking a little break from all the excitement. The functions are fine and your upline is great company but a private chat with other distributors is something not to miss!

It was funny though! Some of the newbies are looking at us like hawks. Fresh meat! Joecool suggests we take a table near some of them so we can hear them. Mostly they’re talking about how to operate their businesses and what level they’re going to attain and joshing each other about their PV and how many downlines they’re going to sign up when they get home.

It takes about 3 minutes for a newbie to think of approaching us.

Tells me he likes my shirt and wants to know where I bought it. I don’t remember so I tell him Target. And just in case anyone is wondering there is nothing spectacular about my shirt. Its light blue with a v neck. Buy one just like it anywhere I’m sure. Then he asks where I work. Oh help. I’m getting hit with FORM. So I decide to have some fun. Ha ha! What else do you do with a newbie!

So I tell him we work at the Bren Events Center not too far away and we’re finally off shift and he wouldn’t believe what’s going on there. A bunch of hopeful people listening to the biggest opportunity I’ve ever seen in my life. He looks happy. Whether it’s at my body language or my describing the people he loves and understands I don’t know. He doesn’t know I’m teasing him yet!

So then he says wouldn’t you like not to have to go to work everyday. I say I’d like that but my boss would be really upset when he finds out I’m not going to work and I’ll probably lose my job. Then I tell him that both of us are interns on a get-back-to-work program as part of building new careers.

The guy looks nervous now that he realizes he’s talking to some real propects. But he’s curious and he asks me what I was qualified at. That’s was the question that made me laugh and concoct a crazy story.

I saw the movie Double Jeopardy not too long ago and inspiration strikes. I remember that scene where Ashley Judd is in the library and this guy is hitting on her and how she tells him she killed her husband so he’ll take off.

So I say worked a meat counter at Walmarts, slice and dice. That my husband and I were sailing near Santa Cruz Island and I accidently stuck him with a knife and had to call the medivac. The newbie looks shocked but before he can get away I point to Joecool and ask don’t you want to know what he used to do? The newbie loses nerve and says no and walks away from us. Whispers something to the other distributors and they all laugh.

Yeah we had a good laugh over that!

What else can you do with newbies if you’re feeling in a naughty mood! We were planning to go back on Sunday for awhile cause Joecool wanted to see what they’re doing in the Sunday morning worship session but something came up and I couldn’t go. And that got me thinking about all those distributors who couldn’t get to the training convention. If something had come up for any of them, an emergency, a special function, what have you to prevent them coming at least there will always be another FED to go to in the future. Whenever that day comes they will happy they got the chance to be at an Amway function.

Alternative Things to do in Denver Colorado at the Amway WWDB FED 2012

One of the places that Amway World Wide Dream Builders is holding Free Enterprise Days is at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver Colorado. WWDB FED will be held there from October 26 to 28, 2012.

It’s time to come up with some alternative things to do in Denver if you don’t feel like attending the Amway training conference. I don’t recommend sitting in your hotel room watching TV, a much better option would be to actually go and listen to a great bunch of successful distributors talk about their Amway experiences! As usual my blog is getting tons of hits from distributors desperate to find information on how they can love and worship their upline leaders and learn about how to operate a better business. It does sometimes seem that Amway WWDB is secretive about keeping this information away from the newbies who want to learn more but the Conference is really a special place to go and they don’t want to spoil the surprise! Here’s my advice. Do go! However in the interest of fairness there are alternative things to do in Denver! And reasonably priced!

October is a little early for skiing but I’ve found some other things to do. Denver Zoo - Most of the places Amway holds functions have a zoo. Coin toss! Should I visit the baboons at the Denver Zoo or the business champions walking across the stage at Amway WWDB FED? Admission is $15 or slightly cheaper if you’re over 65 years or younger than 12 years. A couple could spend a day at the zoo and go out for a really nice dinner all for a reasonable cost.

Denver Art Museum - if you’re into looking at works of art this is the place to be. It costs $13. Slightly cheaper if you’re a Colorado resident, a senior or a student. Where’s that coin for the toss? Museum or zoo? Goodbye Picasso hello lions.

Wings Over The Rockies Air and Space Museum - I’ve visited a few aircraft museums and this is something I’d consider seeing as how I still haven’t gotten over the Spruce Goose being moved out of Long Beach! Not that it’s in Colorado. I think it went somewhere in Oregon. Admission is $11. Slightly cheaper if you’re over 65 or under 12. On Sunday afternoon October 28, chose wisely between your Amway upline who want to help you at FED and go to the Haunting at the Hangar instead.

Molly Brown House Museum - If you’re a Titanic trivia buff you’ll enjoy this museum where the unsinkable Molly Brown lived. Admission is $8, slightly cheaper for other age groups. But the good news is if you’re in Denver for FED on Friday and Saturday night October 26 and 27 from 6pm to 9pm the house is hosting an evening called Victorian Horrors. Lets see. We have our choice. Going to an evening of Amway winners or going to an evening of Victorian horrors.I know which one I’m choosing! It’s Amway for me!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How Fun is it To Sneak Into An Amway Function?

I’m sure everyone wants to know what kind of curious person would want to attend a personal tour behind the scenes at an Amway learning conference!

Ha ha!

My contact who is friends with the son of a friend of mine wasn’t available on Friday night so Joecool and I decided to settle for the Saturday shift. I won’t say what my new best buddy job is but he can pretty much go anywhere in the Bren Events Center and no one will question him so we tag along behind the scenes. At one point he takes a phone call and steps away from us. We’re backstage but not behind the stage and not near any of those award winners who are going up on the stage to speak the masses. I can hear the crowd screaming or maybe they were cheering during the training sessions. Hard to tell at these Amway events. This Amway official in a suit practically jumps out of the shadows on top of us. He’s staring at us. Or maybe he was smiling. Kind of hard to tell with these distributors.

“Who are you?” The Amway person asked.

“I’m Cheryl and this is Steve.” I said.

Apparently satisfied with that answer the official backs off and I don’t see him again. Probably some volunteer Platinum who’s been assigned to patrol the hallways for excited distributors who want to rush the Diamonds and assure them of their undying love and devotion.

That’s understandable!

A little later I see a clipboard lying on a table in an empty room. I pick it up and carry it around trying to look official but mostly I hang onto it cause its got some kind of map on it that I can probably use to find our way around. Our contact is still with us when we walk down a hall. Keep in mind that this area is not accessible to the distributors. You gotta be a Diamond or involved in some kind of volunteer role or be employed by Bren. Gotta keep the security up and unauthorized personnel out of this area.

Then my friend stops us outside a closed door. There’s some talking going on. Men. But we can’t hear what they’re saying. Just a few words coming through every now and then. He actually puts his ear to the door and is practically killing himself laughing. He says sounds like 3 of them in there discussing their speeches. Joecool says it’s probably their first time to a function. What else do Diamonds talk about? Then this woman comes flying around the corner. She’s in this gown and looks as if she should be at an Oscar party. Was she lost? I thought about it too late but afterwards I thought I should have helped her but she seemed to know where she was. Have no idea if sensed we were just a couple of buddies sneaking around backstage! She puts her hands on her hips and stares at us and in an icy tone goes excuse me I’m going in there. She’s upset over something all right but for whatever reason she doesn’t seem to care that we’re trying to hear what’s going on in that room. My contact says he’s going in there too because it sounds like someone might need help and he wants to make sure that no one is in danger. The lady tells him politely to mind his own business she can deal with it whatever it is? He goes in anyway and Joecool and I are left standing there. We back off a bit. Can’t hear anything going on in there anyway now that an outsider is in there. He comes out after two or three minutes, shuts the door, and shakes his head and mutters something about these being the biggest bunch of newbies he’s ever had to deal with.

That was about as exciting as it got. Have more stuff and its good Amway stuff but not too exciting and not really my thing to blog about. That was the only day we got to see backstage and we didn't stay too long. It’s too life draining spending time anywhere away from where the distributors are. Me and Steve were planning to go to lunch on Sunday but something came up and that was the end of it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Operation MEET Up!

Woo hoo! Joecool and I have met in person. Had a lot of fun chatting about our Amway experiences and other stuff. Neat guy!

I have a downline we are meeting up with at the Bren Events Center in Irvine where the WWDB Amway convention is being held. Should be fantastic seeing all our successful distributors praising their business leaders and listening to some great information being promoted from the stage. I'm looking forward to hearing it again! And I'll be fired up and just like you people. I gotta listen to this. You ain't gonna make no real money without Amway no matter how many times your employer or friend tells you about how you'll be rolling in dough if you just stick it out a little longer. Free Enterprise Days. FED. Major function. Gotta get my keywords in!

So roll on! We will be there long enough that we’ll require rescuing! Besides I'm looking forward to running into any of the previous people I used to know in Amway. Just a lot of information gathering. Maybe have a little fun. You bet!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

101 More Ways to Praise an IBO

Had so much fun with the original post that I had to carry it through with a little
help from some of the people who left comments

1. Are you one of those great people that sell Amway products?
2. How does your wife feel about you being in Amway?
3. How much time do your children spend with you because your Amway business allows you to spend any time you like with them?
4. How much debt have you gotten out of because of Amway?
5. Does your upline ever stop giving you money?
6. Did some Platinum give you some seriously good information and you held on to it?
7. You have the choice to attend seminars so Amway can teach you how to be a successful salesperson? Most companies don’t provide any training?
8. Do your upline Diamonds help you re-invest the profits from the product sales money?
9. What’s it like having everyone be in awe of you when you say you’re in Amway?
10. You no longer seem to have an unnatural desire for materialistic things.
11. Is it really your own business? Then why does your upline seem to be more of a friend than my boss does at my J.O.B.?
12. I’m a broke loser and I don’t own my house outright while you are bringing in more and more money and avoiding foreclosure?
13. If your Amway upline Diamond asked you to drink a glass of XS, would you do it without question? Send him around to me!
14. Isn’t it great that the “fake it till you make it” quote never gets old?
15. Show me that proof you have that 95% of the population is dead or broke by age 65 again?
16. How many new friends have you made thanks to Amway?
17. When my childhood friend told me there really wasn't a Santa Claus or Easter Bunny, he being a dream-stealer right?
18. Who do you like better? Steve or Doug?
19. Amway IBO’s are like the Red Cross!
20. I can’t wait to join your Amway business. I’m not a quitter.
21. It’ll cost me an extra $50 a month to have an Amway web page? Sign me up!
22. Doesn’t it make you feel sorry for others when you learn they are still struggling in their jobs?
23. I’m a compassionate human being who cares about others. Being in Amway just tops it all.
24. I was watching the Stepford Wives last night and I am so happy to be out of that existence.
25. Where are going without me??
26. Are you always this happy or are you just praising your Amway upline?
27. Why do people in Amway have such a high opinion of others?
28. You want to show me a board plan? I was busy but come right in and tell me more?
29. You’re in Amway? You must have some amazing desire to help people to help themselves.
30. Go ahead and tell me everything that’s good about Amway.
31. Look up saint in the dictionary. The definition is people who are involved in Amway.
32. You never used to be this confident until you got involved in Amway.
33. Don’t you ever feel bad about a lot of the people who don’t into Amway.
34. Are all distributors as big hearted as you or are you just making a special effort today?
35. You’re living proof that people in Amway are succesful.
36. I used to think you were going nowhere but now that you’re involved in Amway my opinion of you has totally risen.
37. I would ask how much money you make in Amway but I know you’re going to make me feint.
38. You want to talk to me! I’m really pleased about that!
39. Do you mean because I’m fat I should go on the Amway Trim diet plan? You’re a totally considerate Amway person. At last I can lose weight.
40. Don’t you ever get tired of being a helpful distributor?
41. You sound like you’re on your way to being a great Platinum.
42. I’ve come across more and more people who could learn a lot from you Amway distributors.
43. What makes a distributor tick? I sure hope it’s not a bomb! Ha! Ha!
44. Is your family happy when you come home at night because you’re a successful Amway person?
45. You used to be a crabby person. Then you joined Amway.
46. You say you’ll go far one day thanks to Amway? Take me with you?
47. Must you leave so soon? I was just about to make some more coffee.
48. You’re in Amway? How can I get into that?
49. Thanks for pointing out how I can join Amway.
50. You signed up with Amway? You’re way smarter than me.
51. We don’t spring from apes. So glad there are no apes in this business.
52. One of the skills you’ll learn from being in Amway is the art of being helpful and a good listener.
53. Do you have a night owl you can take me to?
54. I don’t know what makes you Amway distributors so clever but whatever it is really works.
55. If jobs are so bad how can I help more people leave them?
56. I think people who join Amway do it to gain more spending time with their families.
57. I’m out of my mind because I can’t join Amway? I’m still only 17.
58. I might have a job still but I’m working to replace it by being a distributor.
59. Who are you calling on your cell phone? You’re upline?
60. I can’t get enough of hearing about how awesome Amway is.
61. You distributors never find it hard to laugh at yourselves and rest of us are totally envious of you.
62. Oh great. The Amway guy is visiting again!
63. When can I come to an Amway board plan? Works for me!
64. Do you have an Amway leader you introduce me to?
65. You wanna hear my dreams? It involves me and my family signing up in your business.
66. What am I? An Amway person?
67. Yes, as a matter of fact, I am a distributor. Go Amway!
68. Why are you distributors the biggest bunch of winners around?
69. You’re starting to make sense.
70. If I join Amway can I learn be nicer to everyone? I need to be a better people person?
71. I have just joined Amway. I started out with nothing and I ended up with everything.
72. The only distributors who aren’t as helpful as you are already dead.
73. It’s hard to imagine how you used to be before you became a great distributor.
74. Amway’s got so many great people.
75. If I throw a party will you come?
76. You distributors are nothing like people say. You are even better!
77. Are you busy right now?
78. You’re a little more helpful other people. Thanks to Amway you’re in a different league.
79. Calling you distributors helpful would be a compliment to other helpful people!
80. I now understand why are you distributors so devoted to spreading this great idea?
81. Don’t you realize there’s not enough love in this world. Thank you Amway for giving us more!
82. Ever since you became a distributor you have changed more peoples lives for the better!
83. How did you get distributors get here? Who left Heaven's door open?
84. How can you tell when an Amway IBO is telling you something important? His lips are moving!
85. I can’t talk to you right now. Tell me where you’ll be in 2 to 5 minutes.
86. I heard what you said. Let’s set up a meeting right away!.
87. I’d rather pass a kidney stone than not go to an Amway meeting with you.
88. If I want any more information out of you should I just go ahead and call you anytime?
89. As an Amway distributor your mission in life is to make everyone successful around you.
90. Where can I pay the admission fee to listen to a great team of successful people?
91. You distributors are a great source of inspiration. Keep up the good work!
92. Obviously you’ve identified me as someone who needs to know about Amway.
93. Do you really mean Perfect Water is better than tap water?
94. Talk is cheap and those Amway products sure are too.
95. They just invented a new coffin for people who don’t join Amway. It just goes over the head. It's for people who are dead from the neck up.
96. What you distributors have in intelligence other people can sometimes more than make up for in stupidity.
97. When you go Diamond, I'd like to go to your Amway party. I believe in pleasure before business.
98. You Amway IBO’s are more useful than a windshield wiper on a rabbit’s ass.
99. You distributors are living proof that anyone can grow a great business and run.
100. Everyone loves you Amway IBO’s so much that when you walk into a Taco Bell everyone inside wants to get to know you.
101. You Amway IBO’s start at the beginning of the curve and then it’s all uphill from there.

I had more ways to praise an IBO but once again I forced myself to stop when I hit 101! Ha ha!

Monday, October 1, 2012

101 Ways To Praise An IBO

101 Ways to Praise an IBO

When I originally wrote this I was inspired by a new show on TV called 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show. It’s hilarious! I’d like to do some of those stunts myself but with extra safety equipment of course! Whatever happened to that show???? Gonzo!! Unlike the majority of IBO’s who sign up for Amway!

This post might help out the people who end up at my blog after doing a Google search for “how to find one of those great Amway salespeople” or “how to tell Amway people they are super”.

Here are 101 things to say to an IBO to praise him or her:

1. I’m glad this is something to do with Amway?
2. Amway is a great business.
3. XS Energy Drinks taste fantastic!
4. Why didn’t I do this earlier?
5. Why is everyone in Amway so nice to me?
6. $60 a year membership to buy great products? You’re kidding me right?
7. Come on in! Oh I forgot. You’re new in Amway. Sit down and have a soda!
8. What have you got for me today?
9. Why are Nutrilite vitamins so great? And thanks for telling me about the high quality of the food supplements.
10. I read on the Internet about Artistry Cosmetics being one of the top 5 cosmetics in the world.
11. Can you tell me more about how Amway is a tax deduction?
12. Does Amway sell partner store products?
13. Yay! Amway?
14. You want me to come to an 8pm meeting? What date and where? Cool!
15. Hey I drank your Perfect Water and I look 10 years younger! You’re a genius!
16. Why are the Puryears upgrading from their river house?
17. Is it true that anyone can involved with Amway?
18. Did you hear Amway’s getting expanding into more new markets?
19. How many people do you now have in your downline?
20. I heard you make a lot of money in Amway.
21. Have you read Think and Grow Rich?
22. Amway is a God send.
23. How come when a dog eats Amway dog food it looks three times more healthier than it used to?
24. I can make $115 a month working part-time in an Amway business for 10 to 15 hours a week?
25. I saw some tax returns from my upline showing them making $100,000 a year in Amway.
26. Thanks for clearing up the confusion about Amway and who owns the Amway Arena in Orlando?
27. You’re so successful in Amway and you’re driving a 2012 top of the range BMW?
28. I heard Amway sells prestige products.
29. Sure I’m willing to pay a little more money for quality products.
30. That Amway food bar you gave me tasted fantastic!
31. How come you didn’t tell me sooner you’re with Amway?
32. What else can you tell me?
33. How do you maintain a great relationship with your upline?
34. How many customers do you have now!
35. You make how much money each month in Amway sales?
36. I heard the only way to make the real money in Amway is by selling products and sponsoring new distributors.
37. I’ll be successful just by going to Amway meetings and helping others build their businesses?
38. I heard Amway helps build relationships.
39. The people who get rich in Amway are hard working and dedicated.
40. I can’t get enough of this information
41. How many grand openings for new people are you planning to hold?
42. Commit to an upline? Thanks for the tip? Go! Go! Go!
43. As a matter of fact I do like this business.
44. Is it true your uplines have qualifications as counsellors?
45. Hi! Stay on the phone! It’s after midnight? I’m being rude but I’m having a great time talking I’m forgetting to let you get some sleep?
46. How come Amway dishwasher soap costs half as much as other brands and it gets twice the dishes clean?
47.It’s great that Amway sells towels that seem to last forever?
48. You got some new prospects at the grocery store?
49. How many people you got on your name list now?
50. Your Amway upline leader says watching too much TV bites into business time? Sounds like good advice to me!
51. Let me give you a good suggestion what you can do with those old Amway tapes! Pass them on!
52. Where can I find help to reach 6 people open to new ideas?
53. Thanks for telling me that a Diamond is speaking tonight?
54. How come Amway’s shipping costs are so good?
55. Do you refer to Amway as “the business”? I do because it is “the business”
56. Who’s that great person that told you Amway is a great recession proof business?
57. Hey did you see that great Dateline behind the scenes at Amway?
58. Amway’s an exclusive social club.
59. What do you mean you’re partying at your Platinum’s house for free every week?
60. Why do Amway meetings last until way past midnight and it feels like we only got started?
61. Show me your Amway profit statement again?
62. Amway is amazing.
63. I don’t want to be a broke loser for the rest of my life. Help me learb to be a great Amway IBO like you!
64. I’ve got better things to do with my life and being part of Family Reunion in one of them.
65. I’m trading hours for dollars? Nothing makes more dollars than being in Amway.
66. Why’s everything in Amway so good?
67. Wow! You spend so much time doing Amway and it’s really a lot of fun?
68. If my upline really paid cash for his house then I wanna do that too!
69. My husband is now free. Thanks a whole bunch!
70. Thank you for this great business!
71. You’re a great leader in training.
72. How do you say thank you in igbo?
73. The secret to Amway success is helping your customers.
74. If I have an employee mentality. You can help me change that to a healthier Amway mentality.
75. I care!
76. Not enough Amway meetings each week?
77. When can I get to meet Doug DeVos?
78. Don’t give up on me! You invited me out to this great Amway meeting because you wanted my opinion. I’ll give you my opinion! Its a great learning curve!
79. I already am my own boss.
80. If Amway Diamonds make so much money how long will it take for me to get there?
81. Sure I gave up looking at other ways of making money. I’m sticking with Amway?
82. When you’re financially free in two to five years it’s great to tell others how that is done.
83. I don’t punch a time clock anymore!
84. Open your ears and eyes people! Amway is the answer!
85. Why do you need to be careful when talking to your crossline?
86. Been to Barnes & Noble lately? They have some great self help books!
87. Why don’t you just tell me what your business opportunity is. I would love to come to your meeting!
88. How come you receive so many checks? Can I get in on this?.
89. Ever hear of the 15 second introduction? You should be able to say who you are and what you do in under 15 seconds. You have perfected it!
90. Yes I do want to support your business because you’re right on the money.
91. WWDB stands for World Wide Dream Builders
92. Walmart has lower prices but not so great products.
93. Are you really this good?
94. It costs ten bucks to go to an Amway meeting? Not bad!
95. CD’s cost how much?
96. Ha ha! I’m gonna call you a serious Amway warrior?
97. How come there are stories all over the Internet about how much money people are making in Amway?
98. Your upline says you should enjoy the opportunity to purchase new stuff. even a new fridge If that’s what turns you on!
99. I’ve heard there’s some slim IBO’s. Does that mean the $500 Amway diet plan really does work?
100. What’s it like living inside an expensive house?
101. How does Amway help marriages?

Oh I’ve got more. I just promised to stop at 101!