Monday, November 12, 2012

Misguided Amway IBO Concerns!

I had an IBO leave a comment on the blog a few days ago. It was a description of his business the like of which we’ve all heard from our Amway uplines hundreds of times. You don’t know whether or not to praise him or pat him on the back. I made a couple of edits for the post here. In his original comment Aaron put in his last name and email address which I removed for this post. But I’ll say good on him for having the guts to add to the blog because most people affiliated with Amway present or past are too embarrassed to put themselves out there. I don’t know Aaron. You should have just left yourself anonymous. That’s OK to do that here.

Yes! I am part of Amway and I love it, and just looking at the previous negativity here, I can honestly say that it was the best decision I ever made. Let's think, I can keep listening to people like the ones who sometimes write here, full of negativity, OR I can hang around people that have achieved greatness and show me how to do the same. The reason some people fail at the business is because they can't shake the mentality that surrounds them and they listen to folks, like all of you who post negative messages on here, and let their dreams slip away. What's gonna happen to all of you when you retire? What then? What other option do you have if you even qualify for retirement? Pay cut in half, nothing to look forward to but poverty... And I am supposed to listen to YOU? Ha! Give me a break. Amway isn't an easy business. It takes work and being able to change daily habits, get away from all the broke, negative people around you and form your own darn opinion. So gather together, try to take the dreams out of view of those who want change and continue living a mundane existence. What else do you all have to offer people besides complaints and misfortune? Nothing. Oh well, your loss, your life. My name is Aaron. I have been in the business for 2 years and haven't made any money yet, but you know what? It was all because I didn't make use of what I was taught and was lazy. Who would want to follow someone who can't even follow their own direction. Well, I made a decision to get serious and I already have 6 different legs ready to get started. I am a leader that teaches them to disregard public opinion. Negative opinions can only produce negative results. No wonder you hate successful people. Jealous much? Remember my name. One day very soon you will see what I do, and not just in the Amway business. I teach people to better their lives, whether in their current job or in this business. I teach them to have their own opinions instead of listening to people like you. Who in their right mind would want to follow someone who can only point out everything bad in the world? Foolish. Keep your opinions, though. We need garbage men and janitors and Walmart workers. Thank you for making sure I have people I can be inspired from to make a change in my life. Bash away! I love it! Bring it on! Aaron. Remember it.

You love being part of Amway. The IBO’s in our Amway upline weren’t able to teach me initially so I don’t have the same experience you do but it’s my guess that members of my Amway business will speak highly of their experiences and how much they love it.

Negativity here? Typical response sometimes. There are those who can’t tell the difference between negativity and the truth. Joining Amway was the best decision you ever made. Well done! Your life is now on the upward slope!

The reason some people fail at Amway is because they don’t have the right mentality? I think you probably might mean the mentality of a business owner. I’m not sure. Absolutely there are people out there who don’t have what it takes financially, emotionally, physically whatever to be a business owner. I’ve said that lots of times. I try to encourage them to get with the program. The only people who own Amway have the name of De Vos and Van Andel and their heirs. Everyone else is own a variation on the same theme. A self-employed person with a huge opportunity and the promise of a guaranteed income. What’s going to happen when the negative people retire and what other options do they have for retirement? Most people make decisions for their retirement while they’re still working. This could involve a retirement savings plan, purchasing stocks or real estate, owning another form of business that they can sell at retirement, putting money in a pension plan. There’s all kinds of options out there. Talk with a financial consultant or retirement planner if you’re really so concerned. I believe that Amway is only real retirement opportunity out there. And guess what. All of us heard that negative information too! "What else is out there". Guess what! Lots of things!

Poverty in retirement? I guess that might happen to people dumb enough not to stick around Amway long enough and blow all their savings and run up the credit card debt. You’ve been in Amway for 2 years and haven’t made any money yet? That’s a similar story for some but 99.9% of IBO’s who sign up for Amway quickly develop a clear business pathway. Get a clue! If you’re selling books you’ve written, recordings where you’re the speaker and produced the CD, and tickets to functions where you are the speaker to IBO’s at a convention you will make a lot money in Amway! Do you have a business plan like real Amway business owners do? Then stick to it. Most lousy business owners can’t operate at a loss for extended periods of time. They have to make a smart business decision and often a painful decision to cut their losses and close up shop.

If you really believe the uplines in your Amway upline then you are on the road to making money, not because you are lazy or you have self-esteem problems. We offer counselling help. And DO regularly “counsel with your upline” because those IBO’s will always have more experience than you!

6 different legs ready to get started? Fantastic.

Don’t sneer at people who have other types of jobs. I don’t judge people on what they do for a living but clearly some may have issues with janitors and Walmart workers and think they’re beneath them. There are some judgemental IBO’s out there. You have every right to think you're better than everyone else just because you're in Amway. Be careful! You could be in for a fall!!!!!!!

Aaron you clearly do seek to teach people to better their lives. But re-read what you wrote here. You have an immature Amway attitude. Why be so focused on “negative” instead of figuring out what the truth is? Don’t be so paranoid when it comes to words like negative, loser, and lazy. The rest of the world isn’t. Talk to a professional in the financial business and show him your Amway business plan and get a professional assessment. Two years of not making money and you’re just getting a clue? It’s time to beef up your involvement in this great business opportunity.

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