Sunday, November 25, 2012

Secret Amway Man

So who was watching Dancing With The Stars the other night and one of the couples was dancing to Secret Agent Man and who got reminded of this video? I've brought it back for those who haven't seen it yet!

Ya gotta have a sense of humor!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

IBO Mantra: Sometimes Nothing Else Is Important Except Amway

I have sat in enough Amway meetings listening to our Platinum or Diamond encourage and explain to the other business developers that they’d sometimes rather be spending time with their family instead of talking to the group.

That was the main thing I had in common with our uplines. I’d sometimes rather be spending time with my family than listening to endless stories about how to get stains out of silk or some such problem.

Occasionally we’d get a list of the things in life most important to our leaders. Amway would be down at the top of the list but god, family, wife, etc would be higher up. The reality is when you’re an IBO nothing else in your life is important except Amway. Here is the list of important things to an IBO:

1. Amway
2. Amway
3. Amway
4. Amway
5. Amway

I’m sure you get the pattern. That list could go into the thousands! Here’s how I see the list in the order of importance to an IBO but the Amway leaders don’t tell it like it is. They use repetitive stories to get this same message out to the flock.

1. Buy minimum 100 PV ($300) in Amway products each month
2. Attend all Amway meetings
3. Buy all Amway related business support materials
4. Respect your Amway leader
5. Respect everyone in your Amway upline
6. Devote your life to helping others
7. Love your wife and family – more important than the great Amway business
8. Love your life even if you don’t get much time off for Amway functions
9. Always make sure your mortgage/rent are met before you put any money towards Amway
10. Stay positive and help those you know to develop their own great Amway businesses

Anything else in an IBO’s life isn’t important anyway – according to the successful results of the distributors in our Amway upline.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Life With Nosy Amway IBO's

Before I was in Amway, I though the people in our line of sponsorship World Wide Dream Builders were throwing their money away buying seemingly overpriced Amway products. But then we signed up and learned they have not been throwing their money away, and if it wasn’t for the influence and encouragement of the our uplines we wouldn’t be where we are today.

When you’re in the Amway business, you find out fast that everyone else in the business is both loving and helpful. I’m sometimes one of these people that if something ain’t none of my business then I stay out of it. Years ago when I worked office gossip was rampant. Sometimes coworkers would start telling me something about somebody and I would say doesn’t sound like anything I need to know and walk away. I don’t need to know anybody else’s business if it doesn’t affect my life. Same with people who tried to get information out of me. Nope. I knew when to keep my mouth shut.

Well OK but not here on this blog. I use this blog to get the word out what its really like being a successful member of the Amway business and having the support of our uplines - the world’s greatest people who are so good and kind and are so willing to help us make it that they believe it’s their business to poke their noses into places I previously thought it did not belong.

In Amway the good uplines will always want to know how you are doing. In the past year one of the biggest search criteria that drove some IBO’s to my blog was anything to do with Ganesh and Neha Shenoy and whatever happened in their marriage and why did they get divorced. They were concerned and although not really anybody’s business they felt a need to care. That was great. These are the kind IBO’s in the Amway business. That means they make it their business. That’s part of the job description when it comes to a good Amway IBO. The Shenoys aren’t the only ones who are searched about their marriage. You name it the searcher has probably found their way to my blog. I have great and good IBO’s searching for information about the marriage and/or divorce for Brad and Lesley Wolgamott, Scott Harimoto, Dean Kosage, Jim Head, and a whole host of other Diamonds whose names do not immediately come to my mind because they haven’t been searched for in the past week.

If they’re not looking with their concerns on marriage/divorce they’re looking for show support for what kind of cancer Jim Dornan had/has and other intimate details of the lives of people in Amway.

I get tons of searches for Amway information. But what do these searchers really think? That IBO’s are posting everything online for all to see? Well maybe some are but you won’t find links here to every Amway IBOs in the business. C’mon!

Before we were in the Amway business I constantly had to put up with the questions from people outside our uplines demanding to know everything going on in our life. They pretty much left me alone after I told them my private life was none of their business. The shock on those prude’s faces that I would dare to disrespect them by using “that” kind of language! Yeah I really had a lot of respect for them! And then those whiny cry babies would complain that I wasn’t being very nice. It was a nightmare! That was before I learned that Amway IBOs are out to help lives and show people how to make more money. It was impossible not to be nice to a bunch of caring professionals like them!

My husband shared a lot of information with our upline about our lives than I previously ever wanted him to know about but I made it very clear to him that if I wanted our uplines to know anything about me then I would tell them myself. If I didn’t tell them nothing then those uplines could safely assume it was none of their business and they could back off.

The only reason IBO’s want to know intimate details about other IBO’s lives is so they can help them in a time of need. It’s almost instinctive. That is why good Amway IBO’s are the nosiest people I’ve ever met in my life. They have good ulterior motives with your best interests in mind.

I am probably the only one around who took a long time to realise what it takes to be concerned for the lives of other IBO’s. Staying out of other people’s lives is hard if you are a good Amway IBO!

And just because Amway WWDB Dream Night is huge on the search criteria right now I thought I throw in the key words just to help any IBO’s looking for more information like my blog isn’t already at the top of the search engines anyway. So far I’ve only had two IBO’s trying to go back in time and searching for information on Dream Night 2011 and 2012 so I’ll throw in that criteria too even though they probably should be searching for Dream Night 2013.

Amway Dream Night rocks!

And the good nosy Amway IBO’s are amazing!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

You Quit Amway Because You Didn’t Work Hard Enough!

Over and over and over ad nausea I get some confused distributors show up at this blog stating that we previously quit Amway because we didn’t work hard enough and spouting off their various concerns about how you have to work hard at the Amway business if you want to be successful.

Not really. You have to be a good and be a good leader. Whether or not that’s hard work or comes naturally is another story.

Learn the difference. Some people think they’re so original. I’ve heard uplines in our Amway business spout that type of thing long before these newbies ever joined the business.

The one thing no IBO can define is what is the measure of “hard work”. Amway is advertised by most uplines as something you can do in your spare time 10 to 15 hours a week and make gazillions of dollars. Those 10 to 15 hours are pretty much already tied up attending Amway meetings or counselling with upline or dealing with phone calls and texts from other people in your Amway upline. Once the IBO spends time encouraging people to come to the Amway meetings or buying the great products those hours can easily be doubled. Triple that if the IBO finds some new people to show the plan to but that’s ok!

People don’t quit Amway or weren’t successful at Amway because they didn’t work hard enough. They finally woke up and realized the business was just not for them at this time. They realized they weren’t making enough money and decided to do something else. And when they talked to other IBO’s or former Amway members some had similar stories. So they quit. They didn’t renew their Amway membership. They stopped buying the products. They stopped hanging out with other members. They stopped listening to CD’s and being encouraged. They walked away. They didn’t walk away from life. They just made a decision that was “right” for them. I know real business owners who have had to shut down their businesses for one reason or another. And it’s usually a very traumatic event. The business was their passion. They put everything they had into it, their money and every hour of the day they could. For whatever reason the business didn’t make money and they had to close down and quit wasting their money.

Some would say those business owners didn’t work hard enough. For some reason I have friends who like to start up sandwich shops. Yes! I know lots of people who can fix me a good sandwich! I remember the first of our friends who started up a shop told us they’d spent or probably got a bank loan for $50,000 for one of the kitchen equipment. I don’t know if it was a restaurant grade coffee espresso cappuccino machine or something else for the kitchen. Don’t remember. Just remember 50k. They were in sort of a bad location. Got lots of traffic but parking was horrible around here. They closed down after about 6 months. Since then there have been other restaurants start up in this same location and they’ve all closed down soon thereafter.

So did my friends fail at their business because they didn’t work hard enough? Nope. They were at the restaurant 80 hours a week maybe more. But some confused Amway IBO would point fingers at them and say that 80+ hours a week ain’t enough and they weren’t hard workers and they’re failures and losers. What about all the businesses that were lost because of Sandy Frankenstorm on the east coast? I saw news footage of a woman standing where her restaurant used to be. It had all blown away except for the Pepsi fridge. Sure insurance will cover a lot of these businesses getting rebuilt but some people will walk away. Screwed up Amway newbies will accuse those devastated by Hurricane Sandy and closing their businesses as not working hard enough.

Where do these Amway newbies think they have the right to go around accusing people of quitting their businesses because they didn’t work hard enough. And what is the measure of hard work anyway? None of them will answer that question when I ask them. It’s inconceivable to a screwed up Amway newbie that there are other reasons why people close down their businesses other than they “didn’t work hard enough.” No matter how hard someone works and no matter how much money they’ve invested in their business if it isn’t profitable the smartest financial move is to close up shop and walk away.

So get a big grip out there to all those Amway newbies and fix your distorted work ethic!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Platinum Swimming Pool

We were over at a friend’s house the other day sitting on the patio around the pool when all of a sudden gurgling noises I mean really loud noises start coming from the pumphouse. Everyone goes over for a look. I’m no mechanic. All I can tell you is something in there was making a heck of a noise and water was gushing around this plastic bubble thing in there. Our friend turned off the power switch. That’s one way of fixing the problem. They have to phone someone for maintenance. That’s what people do around here. Call the pool boy service.

I like to swim I have to have a house with a pool but I know things can go bad. And expensive. The thing with pools is that when something goes wrong like a burst pipe underground or in our friends case really noisy mechanical noises it’s a real pain in the rear to fix and is going to cost $$$ to repair.

Our upline Platinum had a huge swimming pool in his backyard. Actually the black lagoon may have been a better name for it. I don’t know when it happened but it was sometime after he bought the house something in the pumphouse broke down. I don’t remember when he bought the house but it was sometime within 5 years of signing up to Amway. He could have been living there a year or two before we met. All I remember is that they hadn’t owned the house a whole long time and they said the pool worked when they bought it and they used it the first year. His son and daughter were 13 and 14 when we met so they were old enough to know not to go near that nasty pool but if they’d been there 5 years earlier they would have been young enough the pool pristine clean or black lagoon would have been an attractant.

It’s a kidney shaped pool popular at the time the house was built for people with small backyards. Our Platinum’s pool was filled about one third with black green murky water. I don’t know what all was growing in there. Gross nasty stuff. Maybe they threw the wrong products in there and that’s what happened! For a pool to get that bad there is serious neglect going on. It would seem if the pool is not able to be repaired that at the very least all the water should be drained out of it. I don’t know if they actually partly drained their pool or if it was leaking and the water level finally ended up below the leak. I mean either get the pool in working condition or fill it in and put a garden over it. It’s just nasty the way it is. Not to mention a health and safety hazard. My husband even asked our Platinum why he didn’t get it fixed and running again and got a great answer that all their extra money was being invested back into “the business” and he also reasoned the pool wasn't making them money. No but somewhere down the road it’s going to cost you a lot of money the longer you let it stay like it is. I’m sure they won’t fill it in because they probably think a pool is a good selling feature for a house when it comes time to sale. Not a hell hole crappy pool like that! The buyers would likely deduct 25k for their inconvenience of dealing with that neglected pool.

Is the Platinum a lazy person because he won’t clean and repair his pool? Hell yes!!!! Even if a bucket brigade needs to be formed the water can be gotten out of that pool one way or another. It can be scrubbed down. Leaks can be fixed. Whether there are leaks in the underground pipe system or mechanical issues in the pumphouse I don’t know. But you know how some people are always running around leaving comments on my blog about “lazy” and “didn’t try hard enough” blah blah blah those comments could be applied to our Platinum. He’s lazy because he doesn’t get his pool into at least a respectable clean safe area. If he tried to fix it he didn’t try hard enough because it looks like a toilet. The reality is they have no desire to fix that pool. No matter how many times he helped us in making 10k/month in Amway and whatever party he threw for us that week they had no desire to keep that pool clean. That’s what Amway does to people. Gives them a different perspective.

I’m not surprised that he hasn’t sent out pool party invitations to his downlines. It won’t be the type of pool party where you sit around on loungers with drinks and go for a dip in the pool and have a BBQ afterwards. The only real pool party should be a work party. Bring your scrub brushes! He has recently prospected and signed up someone who maintains swimming pools so maybe he might get the pool fixed for free.

So all those times our Platinum used to lead meetings and talk about lazy people he really needed to look in a mirror. Hey! Platinum! Clean up your pool!

I think I have a pool problem!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Misguided Amway IBO Concerns!

I had an IBO leave a comment on the blog a few days ago. It was a description of his business the like of which we’ve all heard from our Amway uplines hundreds of times. You don’t know whether or not to praise him or pat him on the back. I made a couple of edits for the post here. In his original comment Aaron put in his last name and email address which I removed for this post. But I’ll say good on him for having the guts to add to the blog because most people affiliated with Amway present or past are too embarrassed to put themselves out there. I don’t know Aaron. You should have just left yourself anonymous. That’s OK to do that here.

Yes! I am part of Amway and I love it, and just looking at the previous negativity here, I can honestly say that it was the best decision I ever made. Let's think, I can keep listening to people like the ones who sometimes write here, full of negativity, OR I can hang around people that have achieved greatness and show me how to do the same. The reason some people fail at the business is because they can't shake the mentality that surrounds them and they listen to folks, like all of you who post negative messages on here, and let their dreams slip away. What's gonna happen to all of you when you retire? What then? What other option do you have if you even qualify for retirement? Pay cut in half, nothing to look forward to but poverty... And I am supposed to listen to YOU? Ha! Give me a break. Amway isn't an easy business. It takes work and being able to change daily habits, get away from all the broke, negative people around you and form your own darn opinion. So gather together, try to take the dreams out of view of those who want change and continue living a mundane existence. What else do you all have to offer people besides complaints and misfortune? Nothing. Oh well, your loss, your life. My name is Aaron. I have been in the business for 2 years and haven't made any money yet, but you know what? It was all because I didn't make use of what I was taught and was lazy. Who would want to follow someone who can't even follow their own direction. Well, I made a decision to get serious and I already have 6 different legs ready to get started. I am a leader that teaches them to disregard public opinion. Negative opinions can only produce negative results. No wonder you hate successful people. Jealous much? Remember my name. One day very soon you will see what I do, and not just in the Amway business. I teach people to better their lives, whether in their current job or in this business. I teach them to have their own opinions instead of listening to people like you. Who in their right mind would want to follow someone who can only point out everything bad in the world? Foolish. Keep your opinions, though. We need garbage men and janitors and Walmart workers. Thank you for making sure I have people I can be inspired from to make a change in my life. Bash away! I love it! Bring it on! Aaron. Remember it.

You love being part of Amway. The IBO’s in our Amway upline weren’t able to teach me initially so I don’t have the same experience you do but it’s my guess that members of my Amway business will speak highly of their experiences and how much they love it.

Negativity here? Typical response sometimes. There are those who can’t tell the difference between negativity and the truth. Joining Amway was the best decision you ever made. Well done! Your life is now on the upward slope!

The reason some people fail at Amway is because they don’t have the right mentality? I think you probably might mean the mentality of a business owner. I’m not sure. Absolutely there are people out there who don’t have what it takes financially, emotionally, physically whatever to be a business owner. I’ve said that lots of times. I try to encourage them to get with the program. The only people who own Amway have the name of De Vos and Van Andel and their heirs. Everyone else is own a variation on the same theme. A self-employed person with a huge opportunity and the promise of a guaranteed income. What’s going to happen when the negative people retire and what other options do they have for retirement? Most people make decisions for their retirement while they’re still working. This could involve a retirement savings plan, purchasing stocks or real estate, owning another form of business that they can sell at retirement, putting money in a pension plan. There’s all kinds of options out there. Talk with a financial consultant or retirement planner if you’re really so concerned. I believe that Amway is only real retirement opportunity out there. And guess what. All of us heard that negative information too! "What else is out there". Guess what! Lots of things!

Poverty in retirement? I guess that might happen to people dumb enough not to stick around Amway long enough and blow all their savings and run up the credit card debt. You’ve been in Amway for 2 years and haven’t made any money yet? That’s a similar story for some but 99.9% of IBO’s who sign up for Amway quickly develop a clear business pathway. Get a clue! If you’re selling books you’ve written, recordings where you’re the speaker and produced the CD, and tickets to functions where you are the speaker to IBO’s at a convention you will make a lot money in Amway! Do you have a business plan like real Amway business owners do? Then stick to it. Most lousy business owners can’t operate at a loss for extended periods of time. They have to make a smart business decision and often a painful decision to cut their losses and close up shop.

If you really believe the uplines in your Amway upline then you are on the road to making money, not because you are lazy or you have self-esteem problems. We offer counselling help. And DO regularly “counsel with your upline” because those IBO’s will always have more experience than you!

6 different legs ready to get started? Fantastic.

Don’t sneer at people who have other types of jobs. I don’t judge people on what they do for a living but clearly some may have issues with janitors and Walmart workers and think they’re beneath them. There are some judgemental IBO’s out there. You have every right to think you're better than everyone else just because you're in Amway. Be careful! You could be in for a fall!!!!!!!

Aaron you clearly do seek to teach people to better their lives. But re-read what you wrote here. You have an immature Amway attitude. Why be so focused on “negative” instead of figuring out what the truth is? Don’t be so paranoid when it comes to words like negative, loser, and lazy. The rest of the world isn’t. Talk to a professional in the financial business and show him your Amway business plan and get a professional assessment. Two years of not making money and you’re just getting a clue? It’s time to beef up your involvement in this great business opportunity.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Real Business Owners Versus Employees

A distributor named Frank stopped off to leave a long and incisive comment to one of my posts. Too long to reprint here. Be a blog and a half itself! But I’ll give Frank props for taking the time to write. Most distributors past and present are too busy to take time off from building their Amway businesses.

To start off with Frank sets off all the female readers on my blog into fits of giggles by saying he is 20 years old going on 21 with the mind of a 28/29 year old. All the women I know (3 and that includes some relatives from the hill country) that men get to age 12 to 15 years old and they hold on for decades! Give them till their 60’s before they “might” get to the mind set of someone in their 20’s! Maybe not even then! Just joking! (but not about my relatives though!)

Like the typical 20/21 year old who leaves comments here they can appear to be know it alls at that age. They can come across as “big” important business owners whilst the rest of us are less knowledgeble who joined Amway but don’t try hard enough and aren’t hard workers and blah blah blah. They don’t realise what we’ve heard a million times before from the enthusiastic newbies in our Amway downline. Bless ‘em!

I’ve said it tons of times. Just because someone puts on a business suit, is glued to their cell phone, and marches off to 8pm meetings doesn’t make them a real business owner.

Serious business owners follow procedures in starting up/running their business. I’m going to put some of them here in no particular order and this not a complete list. Just off the top of my head right now.

1. research – is this a viable business opportunity that will earn them money: is the market already saturated or is there really no customer interest in this type of business?
2. purchase or lease a place to operate the business
3. choose and register a business name
4. get a license from the city to operate the business
5. get a lawyer to help with incorporation, etc if needed
6. get an accountant to help set up the business accounts, file taxes, etc
7. hire other professionals as needed for business set up or ongoing basis
8. hire employees
9. get a tax number
10. get insurance to cover business, employees, and customers
11. use the business plan
12. have a bank account under the business name
13. purchase inventory
14. decide on prices for the products or services
15. purchase equipment needed to operate business
16. decide on hours of operation

These are some of the steps taken by serious business owners and there is always a cost to starting, owning, operating a business. It can vary depending on the business and how much work/capital the owner can do themselves. People who are employees whether paid hourly, salary, or commissioned salespeople do not normally have to take any of the above steps.

Those are some of the differences between a real grown up business owner and an uninformed newbie starting out in any MLM business. And some of those newbies show up on my blog and accuse me and my husband of being lazy and not developing our own business, etc etc. Yeah right! We are people who are not lazy and do own their own business and take seriously those above steps and expenses for no particular reason other than to show you how real success is developed!!!

You can appear to be a moron who wants to insult us because we don’t develop our own businesses and have probably never taken any of the above steps to get their business legally operating. Stop and think and learn to listen to what your Amway uplines are telling you and get out into the real world and learn what its really like to own a business and quit playing at it and insulting others around you!. All distributors are a hard working bunch of highly paid commissioned salespeople and you have a fantastic opportunity in your hands. Pay attention to organizations such as WWDB or LTD and realise what a privilege it is of belonging to a business like this.

You’re just learning how to play on the same level as a real business owner. Learn to play the game the way your Amway upline would want you to.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Amway Distributors Paranoid About Lazy!

I get a lot of various pieces of input from IBO’s who show up here and feel inclined to leave a comment: do-gooder, winner, positive, dreambuilder, christian, lazy, tries very hard, etc, etc, etc!!!!!! Wait a minute! LAZY???

Today I thought I’d write a post about some Amway distributors paranoia about their perception of lazy.

According to those distributors that description belongs to people who quit Amway. Lazy.

A bit too judgemental there fellow distributors.

Pointing fingers is one thing but you might be pointing them the wrong way and you might just be the lazy distributor. You really think you’re going to become millionaires by working less than 10 to 15 hours a week even though your upline will tell you that is the minimum amount you should be putting in and that Amway is not a get rich quick scheme. Making $100,000 in 3 months, 6 months, a year whatever time period your Amway upline quotes will seem pretty quick to most people. Amway is not a get rich quick scheme and certainly not a business for lazy people.

Most people who run their own businesses work long hours, maybe work every day of the week. These could be the same people who need Amway to find it can work for them if they decide not to waste any more money on half-brained jobs and quit to focus on a real business and real income. Some distributors should not point fingers and accuse others of quitting cause they’re lazy. Lazy ass distributors who have likely never really understood their own business or know what hard work is really like. And no. Sometimes just putting on a suit and spending hours on phone calls and texts with the people in your Amway upline and pretending you own an Amway business does not make you a real business owner.

Back to lazy. Years ago a coworker told me that she was over at a friend’s house and the kitchen wasn’t clean. According to my coworker there is no reason why a kitchen can’t be clean. If you don’t keep your kitchen clean then you’re lazy. I disagreed with her. For all she knew her friend had spent 30 minutes cleaning the kitchen and it was clean enough for her. What my coworker, her friend, and I think of as a clean kitchen could be miles apart. What’s clean for one person may not be clean enough for someone else. Doesn’t mean they’re lazy. Just different standards for clean. They got it clean enough and moved on to do something else.

Just because someone isn’t doing something that maybe they should be getting done doesn’t make them a lazy person. It just means they ended up doing something else instead of doing what they should have got done.

Before we were in Amway there were a lot of unemployed people and others who got fired. A person who stopped by recently to leave a comment here said he had to fire a distributor. The usual reasons I think I’ve covered before. When you hire a distributor they immediately think they’ve got better things to do than get the work done they signed up to do. The better things they’ve got to do are taking/responding to phone calls and texts from the people in their Amway upline and encouraging their downlines to come to meetings, buy Amway products. Some people could look at those distributors as lazy. Others that they’re doing things just right to do with their time/business.

I know if I was “paying” someone to get a job done and they were busy doing other stuff instead I’d be ticked off.

Bottom line if people are lazy that doesn’t affect my life one way or the other. Unless of course I was paying them to do a job. So why are some distributors so fixated on lazy? Why do they care if someone is lazy? How does it affect their life if someone is lazy? Why do they automatically label people who quit Amway as lazy? Why do they bother leaving comments on my blog about the lazy people who have quit Amway? Because they have no respect for themselves and are not paying attention to anything their Amway upline says! They have to justify why all these people quit Amway. Couldn’t be that the person rightly decided the business is just not for them. Not according to the wrong footed distributor. It’s cause they’re lazy and that’s why they didn’t want to make money. Has nothing to do with the fact that making money only being a fraction of the reasons why people sign up in the first place.

If a distributor tries to prospect you into Amway just tell them it’s an honour to be invited. No real distributor will go nutso and become judgemental when they understand what real laziness is. Lazy people already know Amway will not be a good idea for them.

Yeah we can throw it right back in those really lazy prospects faces!

Lazy ass prospects need not apply!

Just because someone chooses not to do something or doesn’t do it to your standards doesn’t make them lazy. Just means it was good enough for their own standards or that they had something better to do.

Just cause someone isn’t in Amway doesn’t make them lazy. Just means they think they’ve got better things to do with their time and money. So don’t be too judgemental fellow distributors!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Amway Makes More Millionaires than Microsoft???!!!

I recently had one of my downlines show up who left a comment that more millionaires have come out of Amway than Microsoft.

It sounded just like one of these outrageous claims that some distributors can make. Most likely heard it from another distributor and are duplicating what they said. It got me to thinking that if Amway really creates more millionaires than Microsoft or any other well known company for that matter then head office would be pointing it out on their web page or in business magazines.

Of course no sane distributor would want to back up a lie and be wrong about a list of Amway millionaires and Microsoft millionaires. Which is why it’s my guess that Amway’s head office doesn’t go around making outrageous claims, especially ones that are unverifiable. They leave the facts to speak for themselves.

It seems logical, but it’s a claim that I cannot verify, that Amway has made more millionaires of the company owners and their heirs than Microsoft.

There is plenty of proof that most Amway Diamonds are millionaires. Amway literature states the average Diamond earns around $150,000/year but that is just the lowest number based on the minimum effort to reach the Diamond level. It’s still nice income but obviously it’ll take many years of saving and investing to reach millionaire status with whatever disposable income is left over from 150k after taxes and living expenses have been paid. The Diamonds highest up on the earning chain and who get paid to speak at functions and who sell CDs of themselves talking about the Amway opportunity and other related information relevant to the business could conceivably become millionaires. Of course they do tend to have large groups of people in their downline organizations. There are probably a considerable amount of people in Amway who have become millionaires exclusively through Amway. And maybe some up and coming distributors are following in their footsteps and think of themselves as Amway-made millionaires.

Just because someone says or gives the impression that they’re a millionaire due to Amway you can almost everything those Amway people say is true. These IBO’s don’t normally go around posting their net worth statements and supporting documentation up on the Internet. One look at their lifestyle will tell you enough.

Here’s a little secret for you distributors. Just because someone in your upline tells you other distributors further upline are millionaires it is most likely true. Just because someone lives in a fancy house with sports cars and shows photos of walking the beaches of the world and gives the impression they are millionaires tells me they didn’t get there just by being lucky. Hard work and persistence does pay off.

However if any distributor does have a list of Amway millionaires against a list of Microsoft millionaires I would love to see that!