WWDB Amway are holding Free Enterprise Days FED 2012 in 3 different places this year and that means IBO's will be pressured to attend all of them.
Great place to meet Diamonds and talk with them about becoming more successful!
So another post where I use some key words to inform some IBO's who are desperately searching on the Internet for more information about FED. We’re here to tell them all the useful things about Amway meetings.
This year WWDB Free Enterprise Days will be held in:
Irvine, California October 5 - 7, 2012 at the Bren Events Center
Portland, Oregon October 12 - 14, 2012 at the Portland Memorial Coliseum
Denver Colorado October 26 - 28, 2012 at the Colorado Convention Center
Cost of tickets is as yet unknown. That information will be released shortly! Previously it was $225 but considering Diamonds want to help you to be more successful the ticket money may just be worth the asking price. I’s unlikely the price will vary, but if they did say add another $25 to $50 would you still go? We would! We can’t wait! Usually a good friend who is married to an IBO will show up to one of these posts and lets us know this year's actual cost.
What we want you to consider are the basic costs. If you don't live within an hour or so drive of any of these locations you may need to think about the add-ons to your transportation costs, hotel, and restaurants for 3 days. We don’t want you to be caught out! If you're keener and get there a day or two early to check out the area. Budget at least $1000 if you're driving. $2000 if you're flying/renting a car. That's per couple. But hey! We still think it will be worth it!
What happens at FED? Lots of exciting stuff! There are lots of new developments happening in the future and you are getting the news first hand. We don’t want to spoil the surprise but that just about covers it!
Friday night is one of those uplifting nights when patriotic ceremonies with various branches of the military are represented. The type of stuff that might look at place at other events but at an Amway function is fantastic. It’s nice to recognize the men and women who serve our country and the fanfare adds to the occasion at this special Amway convention. Listening to a great bunch of Diamond speakers getting the crowd fired up for the weekend with stories of all the great things they're going to be taking away from the Amway WWDB function will be encouraging. Program will probably start around 7 or 8pm and go on till 11pm or so.
But don't you dare think the night is over! Those of you hungry for more information from your Amway uplines are gonna want to do night owls. So be aware of this and be sure and find out where the designated meeting places will be and be prepared to stay there for a few hours. The real leaders know the best way to encourage you and when they get you excited it’s far too easy to find yourself staying up all night. Rule of thumb, if you feel really tired then get some sleep!
Then the serious sessions start on Saturday morning. They can go on until 11pm or so that night. However there will be a dinner break for a couple of hours. Feel free to come and go to these sessions as you see fit. There will be lots of great information to be had here!
What will you remember most about these FED days? Well memories are precious and it could be that you won’t forget when you and your spouse or partner got invited onto the stage in evening to tell your story! It would feel like you had been invited to a Presidents gala at the White House.
A lot of people will have great stories to tell about how they possibly used to work in jobs until a very dear friend showed them the Amway business plan and now made a step towards becoming more successful business owners and the dream to travel first class all over the world is a closer reality. It’s possible you will hear of other people who will tell you about that mansion that they've built out in the countryside somewhere and some who will tell you how they now entertain important people and some who might even show off their garage full of luxury sport cars. It’s all good fun!
Even though midnight is closing in after the day’s sessions are over you may find that some enthusiastic delegates still can't think of going to bed. Don’t feel pressured. Take a timeout if you need to and enjoy some good natured chat with your group and even with some newly made friends.
Sunday morning is a day to sleep in if you feel like it. But more than likely the your upline might suggest you attend the Amway church service. Please be aware that these are completely optional. Attend if you feel it’s right for you! If the hat gets passed around be assured it normally for a good and charitable cause!
Sunday afternoon is more relaxed. Some sessions may be a short recap of the day before. No real teaching or training but maybe there might be some piece of useful information that you might have missed. You may find some Diamonds talking about how life is different for them thanks to Amway.
The weekend is usually over around 5pm. If you're traveling home with other delegates don’t be surprised to find they’re all fired up and excited about how “they're going big in the business”. This is natural!
So there you have it. We hope you are excited about going to FED. It’s a great social gathering for all.
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