Saturday, August 31, 2013

Nothing Ever Changes In Amway

Here’s a reader who tells us how much has changed for him in Amway in the past 20 years. The training tapes IBO's were encouraged to buy are now CD’s. The story is a similar one for many people who’ve gotten into Amway. A couple looking to make a better life, have extra money, have the wife be a stay at home mother. Dream Night = hope. 40 people in a hotel room at an Amway function. Maybe some sleep. Love bombing. Having words like winner and achiever ingrained into their heads from the leaders in their Amway upline. No fear of being ostracized keeping them in the Amway business. Figuring out Amway is a winning business opportunity. Promoting Amway products. Savings increased. Credit cards irrelevant. Vacationing a lot of the time. Being financially free. How many times has this story been told? Get involved in Amway and step into a brave new world.

Every now and then I get an urge to look up the latest info on the Amway world. So this time I landed on your blog and I'm glad I did.

My wife of twenty five years and I were invited onto the soap enriched slopes of Mt Amway back in the early 90's after we were first married. We were a couple of wide eyed 23 yr olds who wanted simply to help ourselves financially by making that extra few hundred bucks a month and buy products we were already using from ourselves. Sound familiar?

Our sponsor was a guy I went to school with. It all seemed pretty good until we attended our first function, a Dream Night if I recall. We were blown away. We were newly married and as such didnt have a lot of money. We did have good credit however. So we paid for this with mostly credit, partly cash, all with the blessing of our upline direct. It seemed at first quite expensive even with like forty of us attending in a room in Richmond. And we didnt sleep all damned weekend. And above all I was very unfamiliar with a lot of what was being said but tried to keep an "open mind".

But I digress. After this I began discovering facts and crunching numbers and realized in the back of my mind that this was a winning proposition. I wanted to give it a fair shake and I'm not a quitter, and my bride whom I did and do love dearly, was all in. So we continued. For two long years and the birth of our first child. His birth caused us both to take a long look at how we were spending our resources and we finally had the clarity of mind to say this is amazing.

The attraction for her was the people. You know the ones who hug you incessantly and tell you they love you? The ones who tell you how great you are, you're a winner, and all the other good stuff? I'm not really a touchy feely guy and wasn't really into that but she was raised in a home where praise and encouragement came at a premium. She lapped it up. For me it was the desire to achieve success for me and my wife and honestly, I wanted her to be proud of me like those gals up on stage were proud of their hardworking hubbies. (I hear a whole bunch of them have grown to achieve better things and are now financially free).

I have to this day no real idea how much we might have lost had we not gotten in. I know it added a huge dimension to our married life because of the bills we racked up and were able to immediately take care of. By the time we had an established downline group we were flat financially comfortable, the cards were no longer required, the savings were secure, and we were agreeing with each other over everything. No more tension about money, or rather the lack of it. And there was enough LOC in our closet to float a battleship. Everybody loves that stuff. It is always helping us, the Amway deal set us up with a good five years head start to a financially free situation.

Today I would tell everyone to get involved, and as a young and gullible man I was lucky enough to be invited right in. And I actually cried. I went out and met people. You know, "cold contacting" and setting up "QI's" and the whole tamale. Went to the meetings, conventions, and slept 3-4 hours a nite. Always made enough to cover the gas and the food, the hotel rooms. Looking back it was like escaping from a booby hatch. After probly a year of Amway influence, tapes in our car tape deck,(no they weren't CD's they werent invented yet) and telling every upline IBO who called to come over we're having a bbq, we were free. We are now approaching our Silver we're in Amway-Thank You Lord Anniversary. Carry on your good work, Anna Banana.

Critical Mass Is Impending Screech Out The Mis-Informed!

Critical mass is impending? Doom and gloom is upon us? Sounds like something has gone badly wrong in a break out sect of some wierd church!

Critical mass was something we never heard at Amway meetings. “Now is the time to get into Amway and start building your Amway business! The Amway business is exploding and now is the time to get in and collect the benefits of getting into Amway in time. But never "before we reach critical mass. Before its too late. Don’t miss the bus.” Blah blah blah. We are not open to that effect.

We were always told that we’d come “on board” at just the right time. “Now is the beginning of what is gearing up to be a huge increase in Internet sales of Amway products. Exciting changes are just about to happen in the Amway business. This is huge!”

Yup all the good reasons to get involved with our business.

I heard this message in a pitch years ago the first time we signed up for Amway! And people leaving comments on this blog are saying they heard it too from the Amway team leaders like last week. The only change is making more money thanks to more Amway ideas being on the scene - Communikate, WWDB premier membership, etc - we decided to invest more heavily into Amway’s business plan.

To further punctuate that we’d gotten on board with Amway at just the right time when the Amway business is about to explode we were shown charts of how this trend was projected to occur over the next few years with sales going up. This chart was part of the business plan flip cards that were shown at every Amway meeting. The hard working Platinum used to flip the chart upside down and say those were the statistics of people who aren’t in Amway. Doomed not to have any savings and work a job until they were 65 years old at which time they’d automatically either die or be broke.

There have been some major changes in Amway but whether or not they’re exciting depends on whether or not you’re an IBO. Or married to one. Like me! I love him!

Once my husband was immersed in the Amway business ethict these are the exciting changes I observed in him:
1. he got into some great debates with people he normally got along well with and they decided to come to our Amway meetings
2. he encouraged people who had J.O.B.s and hadn’t considered Amway a viable career choice before
3. he was very kind to friends who at first weren’t interested in supporting his business but who now are buying all of our Amway products
4. he dropped whatever he was doing to respond to phone calls or text messages from the people in his downline who needed him to help them wherever they were for whatever they deemed was important
5. he quoted Amway speak (our little joke ) constantly and learned from our upline. Like listen up! Everybody should at least consider Amway! We now notice how everybody talk to us and everyone invites us over for dinner a lot?
6. he evaluted everything he and I did and how it was making us money in our Amway business.
7. he had the idea that his upline sponsor was some sort of business god only by virtue of the fact that he had brought him into the Amway sytem and he might just be right
8. he became busier around the house keeping his Amway inventory in check wherever he happened to be and always put the consumed items containers into the garbage or recycling bin. Part of the Amway good business practice teachings.
9. he uses his credit card wisely for Amway related purchases including sometimes treating the entire upline out for meals. Alwaysthough it is used for buying Amway products so he could serve his downlines better.
10. he became increasingly assured, assertive, wise, and attentive
11. he assured everyone with different points of view (from his upline) that this is the way to go
12. have I mentioned how INCREDIBLE he was to anyone who didn’t immediately share his view on how wonderful, amazing, etc etc the Amway business is.

Yeah he is a real joy to live with! The IBO lover from Amway heaven! Supported by some great people in our upline. A Super IBO!

The changes since he got into of the business and away from being worn down by the people he used to work with have been a lot more positive such as becoming a nice person again. With the upline’s help he claims that being in Amway makes you a nicer person - we say this to remind people about the money they’re not making by not being in Amway- I’m here to say that NO WAY IN HELL does being an Amway IBO make someone a loser. As a business like group of team leaders they all put on a good show at Amway functions and seminars and in private they’re the same happy, loving, approachable people. making lots of money in the Amway business can change a person’s perspective on life and really help you understand the needs of other.

Dealing with our upline team leaders who help some IBO’s understand the reason they’re not succeeding in the Amway business is because they’re trying too hard in the wrong direction or because their approach needs adjusting, but thy do it because they care..

No matter what some other people might say about how Amway brings exciting changes to people’s lives, I’m here to say watching someone getting boosted by the Amway business is an exciting thing to watch. Its a ascent into heaven.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

101 Ways To Praise An IBO

Here’s an oldie but a goodie!

101 Ways to Praise an IBO

When I originally wrote this I was inspired by a new show on TV called 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show. It’s hilarious! I’d like to do some of those stunts myself but with extra safety equipment of course! Whatever happened to that show???? Gonzo!! Unlike the majority of IBO’s who sign up for Amway!

This post might help out the people who end up at my blog after doing a Google search for “how to find one of those great Amway salespeople” or “how to tell Amway people they are super”.

Here are 101 things to say to an IBO to praise him or her:

1. I’m glad this is something to do with Amway?
2. Amway is a great business.
3. XS Energy Drinks taste fantastic!
4. Why didn’t I do this earlier?
5. Why is everyone in Amway so nice to me?
6. $60 a year membership to buy great products? You’re kidding me right?
7. Come on in! Oh I forgot. You’re new in Amway. Sit down and have a soda!
8. What have you got for me today?
9. Why are Nutrilite vitamins so great? And thanks for telling me about the high quality of the food supplements.
10. I read on the Internet about Artistry Cosmetics being one of the top 5 cosmetics in the world.
11. Can you tell me more about how Amway is a tax deduction?
12. Does Amway sell partner store products?
13. Yay! Amway?
14. You want me to come to an 8pm meeting? What date and where? Cool!
15. Hey I drank your Perfect Water and I look 10 years younger! You’re a genius!
16. Why are the Puryears upgrading from their river house?
17. Is it true that anyone can involved with Amway?
18. Did you hear Amway’s getting expanding into more new markets?
19. How many people do you now have in your downline?
20. I heard you make a lot of money in Amway.
21. Have you read Think and Grow Rich?
22. Amway is a God send.
23. How come when a dog eats Amway dog food it looks three times more healthier than it used to?
24. I can make $115 a month working part-time in an Amway business for 10 to 15 hours a week?
25. I saw some tax returns from my upline showing them making $100,000 a year in Amway.
26. Thanks for clearing up the confusion about Amway and who owns the Amway Arena in Orlando?
27. You’re so successful in Amway and you’re driving a 2012 top of the range BMW?
28. I heard Amway sells prestige products.
29. Sure I’m willing to pay a little more money for quality products.
30. That Amway food bar you gave me tasted fantastic!
31. How come you didn’t tell me sooner you’re with Amway?
32. What else can you tell me?
33. How do you maintain a great relationship with your upline?
34. How many customers do you have now!
35. You make how much money each month in Amway sales?
36. I heard the only way to make the real money in Amway is by selling products and sponsoring new distributors.
37. I’ll be successful just by going to Amway meetings and helping others build their businesses?
38. I heard Amway helps build relationships.
39. The people who get rich in Amway are hard working and dedicated.
40. I can’t get enough of this information
41. How many grand openings for new people are you planning to hold?
42. Commit to an upline? Thanks for the tip? Go! Go! Go!
43. As a matter of fact I do like this business.
44. Is it true your uplines have qualifications as counsellors?
45. Hi! Stay on the phone! It’s after midnight? I’m being rude but I’m having a great time talking I’m forgetting to let you get some sleep?
46. How come Amway dishwasher soap costs half as much as other brands and it gets twice the dishes clean?
47.It’s great that Amway sells towels that seem to last forever?
48. You got some new prospects at the grocery store?
. How many people you got on your name list now?
50. Your Amway upline leader says watching too much TV bites into business time? Sounds like good advice to me!
51. Let me give you a good suggestion what you can do with those old Amway tapes! Pass them on!
52. Where can I find help to reach 6 people open to new ideas?
53. Thanks for telling me that a Diamond is speaking tonight?
54. How come Amway’s shipping costs are so good?
55. Do you refer to Amway as “the business”? I do because it is “the business”
56. Who’s that great person that told you Amway is a great recession proof business?
57. Hey did you see that great Dateline behind the scenes at Amway?
58. Amway’s an exclusive social club.
59. What do you mean you’re partying at your Platinum’s house for free every week?
60. Why do Amway meetings last until way past midnight and it feels like we only got started?
61. Show me your Amway profit statement again?
62. Amway is amazing.
63. I don’t want to be a broke loser for the rest of my life. Help me learb to be a great Amway IBO like you!
64. I’ve got better things to do with my life and being part of Family Reunion in one of them.
65. I’m trading hours for dollars? Nothing makes more dollars than being in Amway.
66. Why’s everything in Amway so good?
67. Wow! You spend so much time doing Amway and it’s really a lot of fun?
68. If my upline really paid cash for his house then I wanna do that too!
69. My husband is now free. Thanks a whole bunch!
70. Thank you for this great business!
71. You’re a great leader in training.
72. How do you say thank you in igbo?
73. The secret to Amway success is helping your customers.
74. If I have an employee mentality. You can help me change that to a healthier Amway mentality.
75. I care!
76. Not enough Amway meetings each week?
77. When can I get to meet Doug DeVos?
78. Don’t give up on me! You invited me out to this great Amway meeting because you wanted my opinion. I’ll give you my opinion! Its a great learning curve!
79. I already am my own boss.
80. If Amway Diamonds make so much money how long will it take for me to get there?
81. Sure I gave up looking at other ways of making money. I’m sticking with Amway?
82. When you’re financially free in two to five years it’s great to tell others how that is done.
83. I don’t punch a time clock anymore!
84. Open your ears and eyes people! Amway is the answer!
85. Why do you need to be careful when talking to your crossline?
86. Been to Barnes & Noble lately? They have some great self help books!
87. Why don’t you just tell me what your business opportunity is. I would love to come to your meeting!
88. How come you receive so many checks? Can I get in on this?.
89. Ever hear of the 15 second introduction? You should be able to say who you are and what you do in under 15 seconds. You have perfected it!
90. Yes I do want to support your business because you’re right on the money.
91. WWDB stands for World Wide Dream Builders
92. Walmart has lower prices but not so great products.
93. Are you really this good?
94. It costs ten bucks to go to an Amway meeting? Not bad!
95. CD’s cost how much?
96. Ha ha! I’m gonna call you a serious Amway warrior?
97. How come there are stories all over the Internet about how much money people are making in Amway?
98. Your upline says you should enjoy the opportunity to purchase new stuff. even a new fridge If that’s what turns you on!
99. I’ve heard there’s some slim IBO’s. Does that mean the $500 Amway diet plan really does work?
100. What’s it like living inside an expensive house?
101. How does Amway help marriages?

Oh I’ve got more. I just promised to stop at 101!

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26 - 3 Years Baby!

This bunch of bananas has come a long way in 3 years since Married to an Amway IBO was born. Over 450,000 visitors have stopped by. Wow! Right now the blog is running at about 1000 visitors a day. Not a whole lot when compared to other web pages but probably more than Amway employees expect to hear about readers who enjoy coming here to read about Amway success stories.

A big thanks to all the bananas who make the blog possible. Most importantly a big thanks to the banana loving readers who find something of value or entertainment and keep coming back keeping us keeping on. Thank you to everyone who has helped out by contributing stories, moderating the comments, posting and keeping things up and running on this site and all those long phone conversations sharing our Amway stories. I’m not sure this blog could exist without all the support. Thank you thank you!

I especially want to everyone who contributed stories over the past year. Really stepped up to keep content coming on this blog. And really we all have the same story just told slightly differently. The Amway theme of making money, creating new relationships, being ebcouraged by the leaders in our Amway upline, the whole business – everyone’s been there.

After pretty much everyone in my former Amway upline quit Amway or got fired and defected to Monavie it kind of threw a wrench at me. Its just not as much fun without out these suckers sometimes seeing as how they’re no longer with Amway. Nothing like taking the fun out of some of them with this blog because those bastards don’t want anyone to have fun with but you know just push past it. One of my friends compared it to bitching out an ex boyfriend all the time and then you hear he died in a horrible death in a car crash then its just not so much fun trashing him anymore.

But I know they’re still the same type of leaders preaching the same or similar story and as far as they’re concerned they found a better way to make money.

Some readers have told heart wrenching stories about how Amway has saved their lives. Many readers stop by and thank us for letting them know what really happens when you’re right inside the Amway business and how its stopped them from making the mistake of not joining. Other readers have a loved one who has devoted their life to building the Great Amway Opportunity and come here share. Then there’s the Amway employees who stop by for a drive to support us with their what we lovingly call Amspeak. Some of them are pretty funny like one employee from customer service who can’t spell worth a shit. You know who you are!

So thank you to all the bananas who love this blog and make it all worthwhile.

Happy birthday to Married to an Amway IBO!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Trying To Order The Amway Kool Aid

A reader stopped by my blog a few months ago and we had a small exchange. She said she got what I was saying and the Amway people she was dealing with were really nice and had convinced her this was a great business opportunity and she wanted to try Amway and see what happens. This blog exists to let people know what people in Amway are really like. They’re the nicest and kindest people I know who take great delight in creating and helping other people’s relationships and business's. Ecouraging them in believing they can make a big impact in our society by helpin others. We’re here to help other people avoid the emotional and financial distress some people go through. It's great that some people get fired up Amway IBO's who are also very charismatic and good sales closers and want to be your new BFF. I especially enjoy the love bombing and the feeling of belonging. Our uplines will sometimes even pray with people to help find what they’re lacking in their life and to help them get it. It doesn’t give me any pleasure to say I told you so when people decide not to try Amway and end up abused and devastated. And here's something to remember when considering signing up to Amway, if your upline has anything to do with your job or how you make a living that could really be useful when you decide to get out of the J.O.B and they assist you taking your new steps into a brave new world. Amway according to them is a great opportunity for all people. So do it. Get involved in Amway.

I don't even know where to start. I would however, like you to say out loud, Anna- "I have to tell you." I read your blog back in the beginning of April, before I was convinced to sign up as an IBO and join in this great scheme. The person who sponsored me is my personal trainer, as well as my client in my real job- Advertising Manager for our local paper. I totally trust him (and still do in other aspects of life) and I let my trust of he and his wife bring me on in the business. I spent hours at open meetings, went to a conference at the end of April and am now seeing a more than a little reward for making a small amount of contacts, buying my tickets for summer conference, and I going to a meeting I have to drive 3 hours for tomorrow- a Saturday night in the beginning of summer.

I am a successful, college graduate, single woman. I am 30 years old. I have so many other things I could be doing on a Saturday night then driving for 3 hours, paying a $15 fee and listening to some pep talk. The truth is I love it!.

Even before I signed up, CDs and books were offered to me to listen and read. I love to read and have found the books quite useful- in my personal and professional life. However, the CDs make me feel like I am there in the room with the speaker. I was told to listen to them whenever I was in the car. I do because I happen to like TALKS! I especially like cussing, and drinking, maybe some dancing. I also like using some of my free time to RELAX!

I have been getting some great sleeptime and honestly, doing my real job to it's full potential because I am so happy about pleasing my upline and the team! I feel like I am in an wonderful relationship and I'm becoming empowered in my personal life. Everything I have read written by you and by the comments, is so true. It's crazy how this hasn't affected so many more people's lives.

I started dating a few weeks ago and my sponsor (also my trainer and client that I go to see 3 days a week) says, "Congratulations! When was I going to find out about him? Oh, he's gotta come to a meeting. We can help you build a stronger business as a couple if you like". WOW!! I didn't think they could care so much and it's awful that I feel ashamed not telling them sooner I am involved with this guy!! But I've only been in since mid-April.

One thing I will say that stands out about this experience is that I have met a lot of positive and happy people - well, at least all the ones I've met so far.

I will never quit, but I am shaking with excitement at the thought of moving forward. I am not losing sleep because this business builds security, I need my upline to continue his advertising with me and I need to keep working out. I'm excited. I am a grown woman!! I'm glad he had the gumption to invite me into this business. I want to do that with my friends or people I know. I want to expose them to this great opportunity, and yes, it is quite exclusive. I even looked up the exact definition so that I wouldn't get it wrong calling it that. I drank the kool-aid. I am just trying to order some more.

Sorry for the long rambling. I guess this was also a way for me to share my feelings.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Amway ABO Work Week

Ever go to an Amway meeting and hear the leader tease the audience who work jobs by saying "C'mon guys..don't you know you are trading hours for dollars?".

To that I say its better to be in Amway then trading hours for pennies!

Money and time. We all have the possibility to make more money. Especially if you’re in Amway. But we can’t make more time.

We all have the same 168 hours in a week. So lets break down a typical workers week. And lets say the worker has a regular full time job. Let’s call it 50 hours a week for the dreaded J.O.B. plus travel time getting to and from work.

That leaves 118 available hours. However most ABO's work from home so we're back to 118 in an ABO's week.

Let’s take morning. Get up and do all the stuff you have to get done especially if you’re getting kids off to school. Let’s call it 2 hours each morning for 5 mornings in a work week.

Knock off 10 hours to leave the ABO with 158 available hours.

And seeing as how we’re on 10 hours lets call that the amount of time an ABO has to spend on their cell phone dealing with phone calls and texts from the uplines or downlines in their Amway busines every week.

148 hours left in the ABO’s week.

The ABO is decides to listen to some training CD’s or read an Amway recommeded book for at least 15 minutes a day. I want to deal in round numbers so call it 2 hours a week absorbing useful information to help poromote your Amway business.

146 hours left.

What about Amway meetings? This will vary depending if there’s a weekend event going on which could possibly tie up the entire weekend and suck away quite a few hours. For the sake of argument let’s say there’s not. Amway meetings usually start at 8pm and last 2 to 3 hours where the board plan is shown and then there might be some product training or night owl or whatever is deemed important on the evening. Serious business builders will show up to Amway meetings an hour before they begin, so 7pm so you can sit around and chat with the other ABO's. Then there’s travel time to get there and back. ABO's can sometimes attend up to least 3 meetings a week and that means investing around 6 hours a night = 18.

146 hours less 18 hours.

128 hours.

How many hours a week does an ABO spend prospecting others? Extreme cases may go to Barnes & Noble, Safeway, the mall, gas station, wherever the ABO can source prospect. Phoning people they know inviting them to come to Amway meetings or buy Amway products. I’ll call that the 10 to 15 hours/week your leaders advise you to spend working Amway in your part time though it might take more hours than that to line up prospects and work on your name list. Call it 15 hours.

That leaves an ABO 113 hours in their week.

How many times in a week does someone in your Amway upline phone you and ask if they can chat a while?. You might decide to drop whatever you’re doing and haul ass to go and see him or her. Or counseling with upline? Lets lowball it and call it 5 hours a week spent time traveling and talking with your upline.

113 – 5. Do I need the calculator? Yup. I’m bad with numbers. 108!

How much sleep does an Amway ABO need? How much they need and how much they get when they’re done doing the Amway thing for the day ain’t gonna be the same answer. Who remembers hearing Amway leaders saying you can sleep when you’re dead followed by the Amway ABO chuckle HUA HUA HUA. OK! They were joking but let's get real! Let’s call it an ABO sleeps 35 to 40 hours a week. And just so I don’t need to get the calculator out again lets call it 40 hours week. Slightly less than 6 hours sleep a night.

108 hours from above - 40 hours sleep.

That leaves an ambot 68 hours in their week to eat dinner every night and spend quality time with their family or visit friends or hang out or spend time on hobbies and that will mostly be on the weekends. See? When you’re an Amway ABO you have a lot more time to do stuff than if you had to work really long hour in a regular J.O.B!.

Remember when I said you can’t make more time.

Join Amway and that frees up at least 50 hours/week!

And the best thing is you’ll be saving money again instead of frittering away on junk food and TV.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days 2013

Worldwide Dream Builders and Amway are holding FED Free Enterprise Days in September and October 2013. The locations are:

September 27 – 29, 2013 in Irvine, California at the Bren Events Center

October 4 – 6, 2013 in Denver, Colorado at the Crowne Plaza DIA (what does DIA stand for? Do It Amwaystyle????)

October 11 – 13, 2013 in Portland, Oregon at the Portland Memorial Coliseum.

If you’re an Amway IBO who lives in the south or the east be aware it's gonna cost some big bucks in transportation to get to any of these locations. If you are a “serious business builder” then you will want to bust a gut to get to all 3 FED training events cause they are great fun and you and I know that you can't get enough motivation in your life if you want to succeed.

Tickets cost $125. And that aint too bad for what you get. Add on transporation, meals, hotels, etc and depending on where you live that can cost a few hundred bucks to over $1000.

Come on people! You can’t find a better place that’s more fun to spend $1000 bucks at for a weekend!
And what’s going to be happening at WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days 2013? Lot's of great stuff. We're going! Freedom! Forget that stinking job for a while! The Diamonds are sharing how they built the business. Cool!. They all got some great stories. Some were working as a waitress and some were pumping gas (each Diamond will tell their story and guaranteed each one of them will be wonderful) and some were broke and in debt with bills they couldn’t pay when a dear friend showed them the Amway business plan. They had to borrow $20 gas money (why do they always borrow $20? must live within 15 miles of the arena) and now here they are quite wealthy thanks to Amway and wait until you see their slide shows with the mansion, sports cars, exotic vacations. It will blow you away! And you can have it all too as long as you stick with the plan!

Here’s some of the Diamonds who will be showing up to make the price of the ticket worth it:

Howie and Theresa Danzik
Leslie Wolgamott
Tracey and Kimberley Eaton
Terry and Linda Felber
Scott and Cris Harimoto
Jim and Judy Head
Norm and Pam Kizirian
Dave Severn
Matt and Sandee Tsuruda Rick Green
Greg Duncan
Brad Duncan
Ron Puryear
Mike Carroll

So lets get some key words out there for the IBO and newbies looking for more information on Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days 2013 because your uplines are really excited that you are coming and for some of you it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, a not to be missed event. Lets not forget the IBO's who remember the last couple of year's Free Enterprise Days, FED 2011 and 2012. A lot of them will return again and again. It's just that good!

World Wide Dream Builders is the best!

Free Enterprise Days is amazing!

All Amway functions are worth it!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Can You Ever Try Hard Enough! Asks Our Amway Upline!

Hi Fans!

Before you read any further I just wanted you to know that I am on some serious medication for my bi-polar disorder and for the moment I have run dry! I say this because some days I'm a bitch and some days I'm not! Today I'm not! I think! xx Cheryl

The following is a letter that one of our treasured IBO's sent in to another forum. Makes for some good reading!.

I am an Amway IBO and I love this business. I am associated with WWDB. I am not a robot. I do have interests and hobbies outside of this business. I’m not biased, if you can find me something better, please do, but this is the best opportunity I’ve seen so far. My upline are the most incredible people I’ve ever met. They are honest, full of integrity and accountability, and they teach their downline to care about people and family first and business second. This crap about them forcing stuff down IBOs throats and “brainwashing” them just makes me shake my head. I have never once felt like they have disrespected me or given me bad advice. We have definitely disagreed, but with respect for each other we agree to disagree. We don’t push this business on anyone- quite frankly, we don’t really care if you ‘get in’ or not, it’s on to the next person for me. We use this opportunity to serve upon other people at their level with what they need- whether that’s with products or opportunity or simply “no thank you none of this is for me”!

A friend of mine (who is my client- she’s been to meetings with me and has decided it’s just not for her- WHICH IS PERFECTLY OKAY!) discovered Cheryl’s website yesterday and being the awesome gal she is she started questioning her. Gave facts instead of opinion. Questioned the legitimacy of what she was saying and questioned her background. She showed me the conversation later and she was very polite. She got slander back- swearing and cussing her out. Would you walk up to a stranger in the street having a conversation and start swearing at them? Unbelievable.

So my friend came here. Saw this site with all the information of who this crazy woman is. She went back to Cheryl’s site and started questioning her again. As far as I know she called her out on everything she said (that’s the power of education, folks- if there’s no fact to it then it’s just a difference of opinion and educated people know that)and she used Cheryl’s name when questioning her on what legitimacy she had. Sure enough her posts were deleted and replaced with a big long post from Cheryl about how “the writer and moderator are two different people” and the writer had been victim of a cyberstalker last year and she didn’t know if my friend was the cyberstalker but she better not come back unless she wanted to be investigated by the police!!! She called me at this point to tell me what a joke this was, and she politely responded to Cheryl explaining that it had taken a quick google search to find her and all of her information and that she needed to understand that if she is going to post slander and lies she’s going to piss some people off and she’s going to get found out and “that is nobody’s fault but yours.” See, friends stand by friends even if they don’t want to do their business. Yay Katie!

This woman is a complete and total fraud. She hides behind an online persona clearly because she just wants to abuse people. She probably is nothing like this in real life. I have no idea what must be going on in her marriage or her life to make her say such foul lies and be so abusive to people with differing experiences or opinions but I can speculate that it’s not going well in real life for her so she takes to the internet because it’s the only way she can garner attention. I’m betting her husband doesn’t even know about this blog and if he did, boy would things be different!

Let me make one thing clear- if you have had a bad experience with an Amway IBO, I am sorry. Clearly they have not been duplicating what the leaders are teaching and they are definitely f***ing things up for those of us running a professional and legitimate business. There are TONS of stories like this that I have already heard, and it sucks because it gives those of us doing this properly a bad name. However, you do not have the right to go an LIE about your experiences. No. It’s a free country and you can give facts and opinions but SLANDER AND LIBEL ARE ILLEGAL. So if you have had a bad experience please recognize that you have a problem with the IBO in question and NOT Amway or WWWDB. You do not have the right to lie and exaggerate about your experience for attention. Instead of posting like a maniac all day about “real life experiences” that you’ve probably written yourself, perhaps you should go back and fix the crisis in your home and marriage before taking to the internet. That would solve the problem, instead of leaving you needing to attack the symptoms to a bunch of people you don’t know.

On a different note- Anyone know how to go about sueing this b****? Slander is illegal in Canada, and I’m definitely not a lawyer but I’m sick of hearing this BS. I doubt that Amway would bother wasting their time but if they wanted to they could probably take this and wipe her off the face of the plant.

We are having an epidemic of bullying online and cyberstalking and yet look at what kind of example the adults are setting… come on now people.

OH AND- to all the naysayers and Ambot haters- I am downline from an 18 year old girl who is on the cusp of leaving her job and going platinum with a $60,000 residual ongoing income. What makes you so special that you can’t outdo an “uneducated” 18 year old girl?

Hi! This is Cheryl! I think that post was talking about me but I can't be sure because my lack of medication lately has caused me to become very confused!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Another Amway Success Part 2

A reader shares her story:

Our involvement in Amway is getting results. I see our savings start to go up. The credit card debt is getting lower. We’re saving a lot. I’m reading up on Amway on the Internet and finding out the lies we hear on certain blogs. I’m always hearing about how Amway owns the Amway stadium in Orlando, Florida. I show my husband where the city of Orlando owns the stadium and they pay 40 million for the rights to have their name on the building for 10 years. No different than other stadiums. Every major sporting event seems to be held in a building named after a corporate sponsor paying for the advertising space. My husband tells me not to believe anything I read on those negative blogs because it’s all a bunch of lies. He calls the bloggers the bathroom wall like everyone else we know in Amway calls them. They don’t want anyone finding out the truth about Amway and how it’s a bunch of lies and a scam and a pyramid scheme.

I’m taken out to the latest Amway function. I always look forward to these meetings. These people make me laugh to no end. My husband buys 10 tickets to Dream Night in January. 10 tickets? Who’s going with him? Me for starters! The remaining tickes are snapped up before you know it. I tell him to buy some more tickets and get more people to come and I know he will. He’s determined to succeed in the eyes of the good people in our upline.

We had a really great Christmas. Talking a lot of the time about Amway. It has enhanced our lives. The people we met in Amway are out to help in cases of trouble and our marriage is better and they make our lives worth living. They are the most beautiful people I’ve ever encountered and I love them for it. They’ve encouraged my husband and turned him into a great person. Our kids are fantastic, our jobs are ok!, and on and on it goes.

I went to a pastor and with my husband to see if we could donate some money to the church. He was freaked out. You are another IBO I think, he said. There are about four or five people in his church who give in the same way and they’re happy and successful. He’s a happy pastor and will probably stay in our community for quite a while.

I know we will never go through a divorce situation because this is all very good. It’s been fantastic for me and one of the easiest decisions I’ve made but I have it easy to do, both for my own emotional well being and to try and get my finances back on track. I can’t really explain the emotional highs of Amway. This is a magnificant company. They care about people. I phoned Ada to praise our upline and the support to be had at Amway meetings. Everybody cares.

At last there’s websites like this where we can share our stories of the happiness Amway has brought to our lives.

Thank you for what you do.