Saturday, September 22, 2012

What to do in Portland along with Free Enterprise Days

Amway WWDB is holding Free Enterprise Days in Portland Oregon October 12 to 14 2012.

I’m just copying and pasting from previous blogs I posted about Family Reunion.

Sorry Portland! I think I already covered what I deem to be your highlights before!

I read an article about the top 10 cities for foodies and surprisingly enough to me Portland Oregon was on the list.

Super-green Portland has earned a reputation for its farm-to-table dining, well-crafted microbrews, and 200-odd food trucks. To get a sampling of the most popular — including Namu, excellent Korean-Hawaiian fusion — check out the food truck “pods” at Pioneer Courthouse Square or at SE Hawthorne and 12th Avenue. And don’t be fooled by the notion that these Oregonians are totally health-conscious: another culinary must-stop is Voodoo Doughnuts for its bacon-topped maple bar and the breakfast-cereal-crusted “Captain My Captain.”

The original article is here.

Did that article just say Voodoo Doughnuts! Sounds like my kind of place! A little Google search and I found the web page.

Over 90 different donuts! I want one of those Amway doll donuts! I get a lot of very strange searchers finding their way to Anna Banana’s blog. Maybe because these searchers aren’t building their Amway businesses properly and they feel like they’re never home!? Voodoo Doughnuts can help those who need Amway more than they realise. I recommend the donut creation Board-N-Plan. I would have liked to copy and paste some of their images here but they’ve got some code in their web page that prevents me from copying their donut pictures.

A Google search tells me that Portland has a lot of museums and Oriental inspired gardens and parks. Not really my thing but something to bear in mind if you are faced with a choice between going to an Amway WWDB function or a museum. It will be a tough choice but if I did I’d go to the The Hat Museum. Admission is $15, not bad and in reality a lot more expensive than listening to some great bunch of Diamonds praising their IBO’s.

The last time I did a post like this someone who must have been there added into comments to visit the Pittock Mansion. Admission is $8.50 for adults and slightly less for other age groups.

No one will want to miss the Church of Elvis. It’s in the store window of a shop in Chinatown. Has a coin operated movie that you can plug from the sidewalk. So I’d call it nearly free. It might be a slight distraction for the people attending Family Reunion who will be up and about pretty much 24 hours a day. There are some other really great techniques you can learn if you suffer from sleep deprivation. I’d really like to hear what the Church of Elvis movie has to say at 2 in the morning but in truth I should say stick with the Platinum!

House Spirits Distillery tour and tasting. Yummy! Have to be 21. There is a fee for tasting but if you buy a bottle it will be waived. This will make a nice gift for one of your Amway IBO’s! if you like!

Widmer Brothers Brewing Free tour. Free beer. Need I say more?

The Oregon Zoo Adult admission is $10.50 for adults. A little cheaper for other age groups. It’ll be fun to visit the bear exhibit and better if you could share it with your upline!

For anyone really interested in visiting Portland, Oregon and doing tourist attraction things see Trip Advisor for suggestions. Most attractions are museums and parks.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Amway Neighbor

Here is an accurate portrayal of getting introduced to our business by an Amway cartoon salesperson!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Love Your IBO!

It’s bound to happen! Someone will do a Google search for “love your IBO” and will find my blog! You guessed it. I want it to be Number 1 on the search engine!

Yes this is definitely the place to be if you want to tell any IBO you’ve ever met: “Love you!” Or live in celebration through me saying it.

Depending on your perspective there are different types of IBO’s to say love you to:

1. from the point of view of someone who is associated with Amway and does want to be associated with Amway and does want to be surrounded by Amway IBO’s 2. from the point of view of someone who has a spouse, family member, or good friend who is an Amway IBO 3. from the point of view of a former IBO who has found out the truth about Amway and has re-joined the business

So rather than say love you over and over in each sentence I’ll just say it once at the top of the list.


1. for saying where else can you start up your own business for only $150 and advising you about all the other potential costs once you’ve paid your start-up fee
2. for saying people who have nothing good to say about Amway are only trying to steal your dream
3. for saying people who don’t support your Amway business have the right to go elsewhere
4. for saying “stay positive!”
5. for saying buy from your own store
6. for trying to save marriages
7. for advising the more meetings and functions you attend the more successful you can be
8. for saying “Why can’t quit now when you haven’t been in it long enough to succeed” if there is something you don’t understand in the short time you’ve been in Amway
9. for explaining to the value of buying these fantastic products
10. for explaining about how the upline does not profit from the sale of Amway tools but prefers if you buy them from your local book store
11. for explaining about how you’ll only spend an average of 10 to 15 hours a week in this business
12. for praising people who have J.O.B.s. They are brave
13. for explaining how it’s possible to be always be broke as long as you’re working for someone else
14. for explaining you must be on DITTO
15. for explaining you must be CORE
16. for being respectful
17. for bringing happiness to people’s lives
18. for explaining that if you have to listen to mp3 downloads listen to the recommended ones (oops I almost said TAPES!!! IBOFB will be in to leave a comment that tapes haven’t been sold since he was his diapers and CD’s have been sold for the past few decades. LOL!)
19. for explaining to us how buying tools is sometimes necessary and by explaining how you can work with even if we don’t buy them (The Amway literature says buying tools from your LOS is optional and your upline will always mentor you and assist you to build a business if you don’t buy them)
20.for offering to help with your errands and do it for free
21. for suggesting to attend all functions but not at the expense of what else is very important going on in your life
22. for getting off his backside and recruiting me as an IBO
23.for having patience when we question everything
24. for training us
25.for explaining about how everyone in the upline is very successful
26. for telling us an Amway business is a great tax shelter and everything is tax deductible
27.for not taking “NO” for an answer
28.for not telling us to sign up our dog and cat as downline IBOs (joke)
29. for helping us build our business
30.for explaining about being debt free
31. for being positive
32.for explaining to us to how to better pay for Amway products and functions
33. for explaining about Amway and the connection with the Amway Arena in Orlando Florida
34.for explaining about the health benefits of Perfect Water
35. for helping people who don’t succeed in their Amway business immediately
36.for being patient with people who don’t succeed in their Amway business at the first go
37. for understanding the power of the Internet
38.for explaining to us the importance of wearing business attire to all meetings
39.for explaining about how Artistry is one of the top 5 best selling cosmetics in the world
40. for explaining to us some very good reasons not to have any competitor’s products in the house if Amway sells a similar product
41. for explaining to us how to invite prospects so they know they’re coming to an Amway meeting
42. for explaining to us how to do what our upline tells us to do because they’re the ones with a sincere interest in us
43.for being our best friends forever
44.for saying duplicate your upline
45.for telling us that self consumption is an essential part of our success in the Amway business
46.for being open about their personal beliefs
47.for explaining that people who don’t wish to be part of the Amway business can eventually change their minds
48.for explaining how not to anything or buy anything without first counselling with your upline
49.for explaining to us how to better socialize with friends and family who are not in the Amway business
50.for explaining the importance of “always edify your upline”
51. for being reliable
52.for explaining about how to return the books and cd’s if we decide not to build an Amway business
53. for explaining about how we’ll collect residual income for the rest of our lives
54.for explaining to us to organize our diaries if you want to schedule a last minute business meeting
55. for saying “if the dream is big enough don’t let anybody get your way”
56.for encouraging us if we didn’t bring any prospects to an Amway meeting this time
57. for giving us “lines” to use to invite people into attending our Amway meeting
58.for helping us with our late night meetings
59.for creating financial gain
60. for creating emotional security
61. for scolding us if we miss a meeting
62.for being the biggest bunch of wonderful people I’ve ever met
63.for being the most loving people I’ve ever met
64. for being the most understanding people I’ve ever met

OK I think I’ve said enough love you’s for now. If I keep thinking about it the list will keep growing and I have to stop this post sometime! Feel free to load up the comments with the many ways you want to say LOVE YOUR IBO

Friday, September 14, 2012

Amway Changed My Life

A reader shares her story.

I thought I was living my dream life. My husband and I got married six years ago. Right away we bought a house using a small inheritance I'd received as a down payment. Cute little house with three bedrooms. I loved it and thought I'd be happy here forever. Our son was born four years ago. My husband worked for a courier and I've been working the same cashier job since going back to work after maternity leave. Maybe not the greatest jobs in the world but we were happy and meeting our bills. We had some savings. My husband was happy and funny and a great dad. One of the nicest people I've ever met in my life.

One day he comes home and tells me he met this man on his route who has a home based business and is going to drop by in an hour to tell us more about it. I was interested because my husband was excited and I'd like to work at home and be there for our son. Right now we were lucky and our church offers a reasonable child care service but I'd love not to go to work every day. This couple shows up and they seem nice. They show us this plan but I'm kind of confused by it. All I get out of it is we eat an energy bar every day and drink an energy drink every day and we find others to do the same and we can make a thousand dollars a month working part time from our home. I ask them how long they've been doing this and how much they make. They both look really uncomfortable and all he says is business is going really great and then he changes the subject. He tells us there is someone he wants us to meet who can explain this business better and whips out his cell phone to call this guy. Before I can stop him or say we want to think about is he gets this guy to agree to meet us the next night at McDonalds of all places.

We meet this guy and right away I like him. He reminds me of an infomercial sales guy on TV. He tells us he's a Platinum and we hear the word Amway for the first time and he jumps all around that and tells us the company he's involved in only uses Amway to ship their products and that he would have us join a company called the World Wide Group, a leadership training company. This is also known as World Wide Dream Builders and WWDB. They gave us more informed information and say now is the time to sign up to this great business opportunity because things are about to explode and we're coming in at the right time to make lots of money. They're over the top excited.

My husband wants to sign up and I agree. I guess it doesn't hurt to give it a try. Was I ever right! Amway became our answer to prayer almost right away. This was two years ago and it's been great ever since. We don’t have to but we usually attend business growth meetings at 8 o'clock several nights a week. Sometimes we chip in a little to help the cost and we normally hire a sitter when time we go. They introduce new products and services at nearly all these meetings. Showing the Amway business plan is east and everyone gets really social and we usually have a great timer. We live in eastern Washington and we are close enough to drive to where all these big meetings are held in Portland, Spokane, and Boise. There is so much choice and if we could we would go to more than one sometimes even when they're a week or two apart in different cities.

After one year our profits and savings are up. We are about $20,000 in credit at the bank and we have boxes of Amway products in the garage that my husband keeps on standby for when we or our customers or downlines start to run out!

The head honcho upline counsels with us to use the extra money we have made in our business to pay off the mortgage on our home. I loved doing this. The house is a great security. We pay off the debt. My husband quits his job. I still don't know why but I suspect due to Amway because he is changed and has become a really loving person and encourages everyone to join with us and start their Amway business. He's on the phone all the time constantly planning opportunity meetings with our upline. He tells me this is a good thing because now we can concentrate full time on building our Amway business. Out comes the planner because we need to increase our Amway products stock. The mortgage is gone and the other bills are paid on time and to think that two years earlier my pay couldn’t even come close to meeting our financial obligations. We have put over $30,000 more savings in to our bank in the last year.

In July we went to family reunion in Portland. My cousin lives there and we stayed at her house and she offered to watch our son. My husband loved this time. We could have spent the money to stay at a hotel to close to our upline but we liked the family time. We did get to go to some of the late night meetings that they call night owls. I am happy. We get on with my cousin and we’re glad me missed out on the hotel. I didn't go to family function. I talked to my cousin all weekend about what a difference our lives are because of Amway. Most of our family and friends have joined with our business because of my husbands’ success.

That weekend I decided for my own happiness to quit my job and go full time in Amway. My husband was thrilled. He says success is right around the corner. He is not kidding! We signed up two people during two weeks in Portland and that was just after we got there. One has really excelled after a few weeks because the other distributors in our upline organization helped them and the other couple are close friends of ours who are coming along nicely. They both renewed their membership for the following year.

We're now in the process of expanding our family. He has found a bigger house for us almost in the same neighborhood out and is help remodel it with the help of our upline. Our old house is up for sale. My parents are thinking they might take out a further mortgage and buy it and have got a lawyer to look into it. My husband is using another one of our downlines in Amway to help him with all the legal stuff. The only thing they're concerned about is that I don't get too excited over this whilst the new baby is on the way! I’m stronger than that but it’s nice to know they care. Besides I don't need to do much half the time! I guess I can forget about having financial worries because he has planned things well. I want good school for our son. He can keep growing our Amway business.

This is not how I thought my life would turn out. I'm 32 and have a great husband we both have a young son to raise. My new beautiful house will be ready quite soon. I will want for nothing when we move out of our old house.

All I can say to anyone who gets approached by someone in Amway to sign up and sell their products and recruit others to sell Amway products is go for it! Everybody wants an opportunity in life and even just retailing the products will produce a moderates extra income. So go and sign up. It’s a great way to use your time and make money.

Thank you Amway for changing my life.

Monday, September 10, 2012

How Do I Get My Son Into Amway?

I get several searchers daily looking for how to get their loved ones into an Amway business but lately I have been inundated with people finding their way here hoping to find more information on how to get their son, daughter, husband, friend into Amway or how to convince someone to join Amway or that their brother has just joined Amway.

The desperation to join Amway from these people is evident. For some there is nowhere to turn but the Internet where they hope to find the information they seek. Fortunately they come to me and are happy that I can provide an answer. My husband will always have some comforting response which no doubt was taught to him by our Amway upline to respond to just about every request. This is part of the teaching that we sponsors learn at Amway meetings. Gotta have a good response to everything those needy people have about Amway! The thing we find that most people do is join up right away. 95% of our downlines really love Amway and inside 2 years most of them are very happy when they realize how much money they're making.

There is a sad reality the some people quit and we usually have to let the business run its course and hope the downline figures it out it’s better to stay rather than quit. But hey, this business is not for everyone!

There is a great comfort to be had by those who are watching their loved ones change before their eyes into a successful Amway distributor. A person who had previously been a little hesitant all of a sudden becomes a generous, kind, helpful and willing person whose mission in life is to help other people. Especially they help people who work for a living to dream of owning their own business. It becomes almost personal. They are duplicating their upline. That's how the Amway business works.

I had a woman leave comments about her step-son and how respectful he'd become since signing up with Amway, especially to his father and relating to him because he was struggling in his job and wanted to be a business owner. They really connected. True love. I think the kid was 20 or 21 years old so old and he had made enough to support himself with his own Amway business that this was enough encouragement for his father to join Amway. She thought it was wonderful when he bought her a new car and through his business he was able to purchase a new apartment.

Amway distributors are encouraged by their leaders to believe in themselves and to encourage other to become part of the Amway “family” This is because everyone looking for that special way to get ahead in life but have not yet tried Amway. They’re not the only people who care about you but those who have your best interests at heart are your Amway uplines. These are the people who along with your family love you and want your business to grow.

A lot of Amway distributors will testify to that!

And it’s fascinating. How do Amway distributors gain knowledge so quickly by the people in their Amway upline? These people are basically strangers to them that they've only known a short time. And now all of a sudden these are people who are all knowing and all loving. Well that’s just the way it is!

Let’s see? You might be wondering who would actually be more caring and loving and have their best interests at heart? Why can’t it be both? People the new distributor has existing relationships with for their entire life can easily run alongside the Amway upline they've only known for weeks or months?

You always find that a previously disinterested third party also wants to get involved to help with the new business too. A new Amway distributor needs all the help he or she can get. Some of the best people to seek advice from are either a financial consultant or a business consultant. Definitely another business professional. If you wish you can bring the new distributor to a meeting where the Amway business plan can be evaluated. You may even ask the new distributor to bring copy of their uplines profit and loss statement and tax return information. The upline will be more than willing to help and will not mind providing financials. Very few might get a bit huffy and say that information is private but that is rare. The consultant should want to help the new distributor how new business owners keep proper books. The consultant can take a look at the business plan and point out how more than likely it is that the new distributor has a good chance to be part of majority who will make a lot of money at this business. Over 99% success rates. They will teach the new distributor how to keep a profit and loss statement for the next fiscal year. It will more than likely be necessary to show them what this means and how they keep track of expenses and income. You should set up another meeting to re-evaluate how the new business is doing but expect that this really works and be happy when they stare at the profits on paper.

Fortunately in most cases you and the new distributors find that their involvement with this incredible business opportunity which is really down to some hard work, interesting to watch as they dig themselves out of a potential financial hole. You can’t help but to stand by cheering them on. Once the new distributor has increased the money in their bank account by retailing the Amway products and attending the meetings they will likely be encouraged and want to grow a larger and more secure business. Once that program is underway then they are on their way to the top. There's a lot of money to be made retailing Amway products. Amway distributors may want to attain other dreams when the $$$ increase. There is a great financial and emotional relief when building a successful Amway business? During this period the Amway distributor becomes more self-assured. The time will come when they will step out on their own as a truly independent leader and nothing will please their uplines more. All that just by buying Amway products! The successful distributor is praised and rewarded and encouraged by their upline for now knowing just what it takes to be a business owner.

Worse case scenarios new distributors fail to listen to the advice of their uplines. No wants anyone to dig themselves deeper into a hole and face bankruptcy, foreclosure, and often divorce because relationships can't handle that kind of financial stress. There is a solution!

But who will be there if the new distributor needs help? Their Amway uplines! It may seem that they only know you for a short period of time, but they will almost certainly want to keep the promise they made and that is to be your best friend forever. It most certainly should be the people the new distributors have known all their lives, the family.

To all those who search for how to get their loved ones into Amway just call me. It will be one of the best decisions you will ever make.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Come away from the Dark Side - We have Amway Products!

Ever notice with Amway people how they gush about how wonderful Amway products are. They are "high quality” and they are priced appropriately. Read into that experienced knowledge and an understanding of their high quality. Gush gush exuberance. It is true that the only way you too can get some of these Amway products is if you become a customer or sign up as an Amway IBO. Great club. Great buyers club.

Obviously our upline thinks the best way they can entice people to sign up to be an Amway IBO is because they can now buy Amway products? Quality products for quality people. Perhaps they’re right!

Before we signed up we went to a grand opening at the house of our friend and future upline, who ended up sponsoring us into Amway. This is someone we've known for a long time. My husband knows his brother, met him first many years ago, and over the years eventually met our upline who ended up sponsoring us into Amway. Unfortunately our paths with the brother haven't crossed too often over the years but when we do it is usually at our uplines house. For some reason our upline was never able to sponsor his brother and wife into Amway. So here we are at this lunch thing and who's missing? The brother and his wife. They had decided they were way too smart and knew “better” than to get involved in anything he's in. I tried to encouarge my husband to contact them with a suggestion that maybe they were being unkind and should at least help his own brother by buying some Amway products.

I eventually wandered over to see what the wife thought of this Amway business and the products. She was standing at a table loaded with a box Amway products. She gives me a great story about how they changed their buying habits to shop from their own store and when their relatives want to buy things from them she was clear on what things these relatives required. In fact they were tripping over each other to buy from our Amway uplines who now wasted no time in encouraging them to do the same and shop from their store too. It seems to me she's thrilled about this. Amway are great and easy to like and she's gung ho about their new business.

Back outside with our Amway upline another person had shown up to tell his sponsor he had qualified to platinum. Just another incredible Amway story. He didn’t have his wife with him so I couldn’t share with her how great going to Amway events is.

Actually I occasionally meet the sponsor's and the platinum’s wife at Amway meetings and it makes it all the more worthwhile going to them. They also like to encourage people they meet who think they have better things to do with their time to come along with them to the Amway meetings?

I’ve since heard that the platinum has along with his wife have gone back to Iowa where she originally came from. Going back to care for her mommy and be supportive in a Christian way. She is now dreambuilding wife who incredibely positive about his business. Most of his downlines are building successful business as is the case with most Amway IBO’s. Those who work hard usually see a successful pattern within a year or so. This business keeps attracting new people who sell on the dream and develop a great addition to their existing income.

Join us in our business and have access to great Amway products. Stay in the business and we will help you be successful. The Amway future awaits.

We are always proud to tell people we have Amway products.

Life doesn’t always have to have a dark side. Life is so much better when you're enjoying the help your Amway uplines are offering and with the addition of having great products too.

Friday, September 7, 2012

What's there to do in Irvine, California instead of WWDB Amway FED 2012?

Here's another of my guides about some alternative things to do in town if you are not attending an Amway function.Although why you would not attend is something I will find hard to understand!

This year WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days will be held in Irvine, California October 5 to 7 2012 at the Bren Events Center.

You can reach a lot of attractions and beaches inside an hour or so drive of Irvine and I think most people are aware of these places so there's not much more I can say. And just a heads up. Every attraction and beach is gonna charge you more than a few bucks to park in their lot. There is no shortage of shopping and large malls in the area like the Irvine Spectrum Center or the South Coast Plaza. Good places to come and do some shopping if want to take a small break from all the excitement at the Amway convention!

Disneyland is the big attraction in southern California and Anaheim is not too far from Irvine. One day ticket costs $87 if you're older than 10. Slightly less if you're under 10 and different prices if you're buying a 2 day package or California resident or buy in advance. I can't figure out the October schedule so check ahead. I'll say hours are approximately 8am to 6pm. The thing is Mickey's having a Halloween party in October and the park reopens after regular hours for late night spooky fun. Different admission prices and hours. Although it’s good think carefully about going to it because you might be missing something important at the WWDB Amway FED. By the time you pay for parking, buy a ticket, eat meals in the park, and buy souvenirs, you're probably thinking I should have stayed at the FED but if you still want to go you'll have a lot of fun at Disneyland!

Orange County Zoo is inside Irvine Park and is a pretty good deal at $2. Check out the bears and other animals. Hours are 10am to 3:30pm.

I'm going to throw in Knott's Berry Farm even though it’s not my favorite park there are people who would probably want to go there seeing as how they're this close anyway and in October it becomes Knott's Scary Farm. The last time I was there during the day in October the staff were having fun with the nighttime effects and dropping big fake spiders on us while we were waiting for the Timber Mountain log ride to start. Yeah ha ha that really scared me. One day pass is $57.99 and less if you're under 12 or a senior. Also less if you buy tickets ahead of time online. The Scary Farm admission starts at $36 if you buy ahead of time but there's not any information yet on the price at the gate or the late hours. There always seem to be coupon books flying around with discounts to Knott's. 10am to 5:30pm during FED weekend.

There are lots of beaches in the area. Head the car to PCH and drive north or south until you find a beach you like.

Or get out of Irvine and spend a day at Universal Studios or take a tour of the star's homes. Or down to San Diego to visit the zoo or Sea World. Everything you want is inside a 2 hour drive. I have a few favorite things that I like to do that are free except for the parking and not in this area - hint hint go north go south.

But maybe the real tourist attraction in Irvine on October 5 will be at FED. You need to keep this a secret so you don't spoil the fun but Joecool is visiting in LA that week and we plan to hook up. He is someone who has had a major rethink on how the Amway business works!I know someone whose son has a friend that works at the Bren Center and doesn't know his shifts yet for that weekend but whether or not he's working he told me he can get us in to wander around behind the scenes. Yes!!!!! What kind of mischief can we get into? Air horn distractions and other fun that can be blamed on Halloween spooks running around the building. Top secret stuff for me to report back on after the Amway convention!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Social Security Won't Be There When You Retire?

I’d say just about every Amway meeting we attended one of the phrases the speaker used was “Social security won’t be there when you retire”.

Well how did he know? I’m pretty sure it will be. But I suppose like any other guesses the speaker has a 50/50 shot of getting that prediction right. So do I!

Even though I think social security will be there when I retire I have other investments and savings and a combination of all are what I hope will sustain me for the rest of my life.

People need to make decisions during their working years and hopefully most start some sort of retirement savings plan in their 20’s and add other investments to it over the years. For example save up a down payment for house while in your 20’s. Buy that house in your 20’s or 30’s and by your 50’s or certainly by retirement age your house will be paid in full. Knock off that mortgage payment and that’s a big part of monthly expenses that goes away. Also get rid of any outstanding debt by retirement age and don’t incur any further debt and that will make retirement years less stressful.

Those are the big things. Reaching retirement age without debt and owning your own home are huge. I mean who wants to hit retirement age and still be a renter? That’s hundreds of dollars you pay each month to a landlord because of poor planning in younger years.

In a previous post I estimated an average monthly expense in running your Amway business to be around $700. The unknown factor is if this is disposable income or if you as an IBO’s are running up your credit card unnecessarily. That monthly $700 should be repeated earnings from your business and if possible redirected to a mortgage payment. This way you can honestly say your Amway business is keeping you on track financially.

Our upline's goal was to help people in by teaching them good money management and not to scare new prospects before they signed up. They are good people who extol the virtues of “don’t say negative” and they’re among some of the most positive people I’ve ever met. Full of optimism about the future but also aware that businesses are shutting down, we’re in a recession and people are losing jobs. Social security may not always be there to take care of things. But who needs to listen to the negative when someone trying to help you see the positive? That’s what goes on in our Amway meetings?

The speaker’s goal is to make you aware that social security may not always be there when you retire so they attempting to help you find some other form of income. Any other plans IBO’s have our upline will listen to them and discuss alternative options. According to the wisdom of our upline Amway is one of a number of choices and all you have to do is give it some serious consideration. You may very well find yourself spending 2 to 5 years working part time 10 to 15 hours a week doing the work in order to live off residual income for the rest of your life. But at least you are working towards a great goal and that goal is “Freedom!”

As I have pointed out there are always other options out there. Having an Amway business could be a lot better than throwing your money at chasing futile dreams.

Don’t think negative! Be like our upline. Think positive. If all else fails the social security will be still there when you retire. (I got a 50% chance of getting that prediction right! LOL!)

For me I’m sticking with Amway until I retire! Ha ha ha!

Kisses for now